@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[TSN] Hayes: « Il y a un jeu hérité ici avec Auston Matthews »

[TSN] Hayes: « Il y a un jeu hérité ici avec Auston Matthews »



  1. DevOpsMakesMeDrink

    Caught this clip this morning and have to say Hayes is 100% spot on.

  2. JRocleafs

    Hayes just digs into him and I love it.

    However I think 8×13.5 is still too much, I don’t know what Mathews has done to deserve that. If that’s what he wants though, I hope he’s ready to play up to his contracts level and be the best and highest paid player in the league. If he doesn’t live up to his next contract it’s going to get ugly for him really fast.

  3. It would be nice if someone explained this to these guys instead of constantly telling them they deserve to be the highest paid players in the league. The salary cap system and the way our ‘leaders’ have gone about negotiations for short-term contracts has really made it hard to be a fan. I mean I’ve had an absolute hate on for marner since he signed that contract and I don’t imagine I’m the only one. That’s no way to watch a sport.

  4. Krazier

    If its not 8 years that’s just a slap in the face to the organization and the fans. They bent over backwards for Matthews on the last contract and he rewarded them with absolutely nothing. The best point Hayes makes is that its only here that this happens. Every other superstar across the league took a haircut and is on 8 years. Hope these guys reflect and realize if they all took a million less they could have kept guys like Hyman around and maybe even been champions at this point.

  5. EddyMcDee

    Hayes is 100% right but I don’t think for a second that AM cares.

  6. Rowdy_Roddy96

    I already said that it’s going to be 13.4 × 8yrs with NTC / NMC for the first 4 and then no NTC / NMC for the last 4 yrs so then if the Leafs are awful or rebuilding they can then flip Matthews for the most value.

  7. sokocanuck

    The real big dong energy move would be for Matthews to come into the negotiations and say he’ll take a considerable discount if Leafs brass goes out at gets specific players or strengthens specific positions.

    I do believe the players want to win and know the problems with the team….so start putting your money where your mouth is.

  8. trevlarrr

    Let’s be honest here, if the league wasn’t so tight on the salary cap then this discussion wouldn’t be an issue. And if, as is being reported, the owners are now pushing for a significant raise, then by the time Auston’s extension kicks in it’s potentially a smaller percentage of the total cap than it is now.

  9. ABoyNamedSault

    « Legacy ». LOL.

    Auston Matthews’ legacy will be personal achievements and MONEY.

  10. secks_see_guy

    This is all Patrick Marleau’s fault

  11. jarvjamz

    This is an idiotic take and everyone in this sub arguing that a star player should provide discounts because this Podunk league has a hard salary cap is out to lunch. The salary cap is keeping this sport small and has us resenting our stars.


    I’m hoping Tree doesn’t roll over like Dubas did with 34s agent

  13. thebartdie

    Not enough people talk about how much easier their lives would be if they didn’t push for every penny. If Matthews and Marner decided to take $10M and $9M respectively for 8 years, we’d build them a goddamn statue today, and they’d never hear a word of criticism about their play for the rest of their careers. That’s $80M and $72M more earnings over their careers, in addition to the $50M+ they’ve each already made. You can’t tell me that your life would be so much better if you had $150M vs $130M, if that $20M meant that you didn’t get any criticism, got to stay with your friends, and had a way better shot at cups.

    These guys don’t have the luxury of just letting their play talk. Nobody on Legends’ Row had to answer to the public about how much money they made, and whether it hurt the team. All that mattered was their play.

    Let’s pretend you already won $1M in the lottery, but that you want to keep working. Edit: it’s a job you’ve dreamed of since you were 5 years old, and you would do it for a hobby if you weren’t good enough to get a job doing it. You wouldn’t even consider just retiring, because you love it too much. Making money is still important, but you know 100% that you will never struggle.

    As the best performer in the company, you have the option of a 20% raise in your job, but if you take it, your best coworkers will leave and be replaced by a rotating cast of people on minimum wage who are just competent enough to last a year or so before being fired. It will make your job harder and there will be way more pressure on you to carry the fate of the company. Is it worth it?

  14. sharabhi1

    I’m sick of Matthews and Marner greediness, especially considering their playoff performances. I don’t see us winning anything with them here at their demands.

    Was hoping someone like Tre would have the sack to trade them but doesn’t appear to be the case and time isn’t on his side unfortunately.

  15. WeathervaneJesus1

    Some guys are all about the money, and some guys are about winning & money and you never know which guy you get until contract time.

  16. kingex11

    13.4 times 5 is my best guess.

  17. Imperator77

    My big question is with Matthews is can his body handle a full season and playoffs? Can his back/wrists… Whatever handle the rigors of the NHL for him to still be in peak form for a playoff run for multiple years…. Especially if we are paying him top dollar meaning less skilled secondary guys to pick up the slack if he drops off again

  18. kman420

    At the end of the day narratives & legacies change to fit the results, Tkachuk wasn’t seen as a clutch playoff performer 2 years ago. The next contract will only affect Matthews legacy if he doesn’t win a cup.

    I feel like Matthews & Marner have both convinced themselves that they’ve earned whatever money is in their contracts and demanding more won’t hurt the team. Seems pretty clear the results do not agree with the narrative but we’re always one deep playoff run away from the narrative changing.

  19. backthashitoff

    you know what the funny thing is

    they talk about how hockey is so antiquated and falling behind other sports and its such a big problem, except when it comes to players maximizing the amount of money they can make

    use basketball as an example, where you just see short term deals with big money. but in hockey, how dare a player try to make the most money instead of committing his prime for 8 years

    and i say this as a fan who wants him to sign for 8, but you can’t have it both ways

    don’t complain about the sport then

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