@Lightning de Tampa Bay

De grands changements à venir pour le Lightning de Tampa Bay ? – Quelle est la prochaine étape pour Tampa cette intersaison ? | Nouvelles de la LNH

Kirk Day et Nick Miller discutent de ce que nous pourrions voir se produire pendant l’intersaison pour le Lightning de Tampa Bay. Pourrait-on voir Alex Killorn et Ross Colton jouer ailleurs la saison prochaine ? Que diriez-vous d’un éventuel échange avec Mikhail Sergachev? ou même une extension de Steven Stamkos et Brandon Hagel ? On parle de tout dans cette vidéo ! Faites-nous savoir dans les commentaires ci-dessous ce que vous pensez qui pourrait arriver avec le Lightning de Tampa Bay cette intersaison, et si vous êtes d’accord ou non avec nos théories. Rejoignez notre Discord : https://discord.gg/eA23FEej 0:00 Intro 0:45 Contrats 4:06 Signatures et extensions 7:48 Mouvements possibles

1 Comment

  1. 0% chance they trade Sergachev. Just listen to Cooper or Julien talk about him. They both believe he is the V. Hedman of this team, When the day comes that Hedman ages out. If they were to rank the roster in terms of the most unwilling to move players, my guess is he would be top 3 untouchable.

    I do believe they will lose Killirn and attempt to move Colton. I think M. Pacrioty could be a slightly more affordable, shirt term replacement for Killorn, since he is coming off a season in which he hardly played.

    I'm not expecting yo see any other forward additions aside from possibly a 4th line C to replace Bellmare. Jennoat should be back and placed on 3rd line w Essy and Paul. Bellmare and Perry are likely gone. So, I'd expect to see them fill the other 4th line wing position w a rotation from their own system (Fortier, Barre-Boulet, Kopke, Balcers), to match w Maroon and FA C.

    Defensively, I actually do think they need to aim to target a left-handed, middle-pair, vet, Defensive, D-man to replace Cole. They may have to get creative w cap space, but they seriously need to upgrade what was probably the weakest D-core in the EC playoffs. I'm actually really high on Perbix, and Radysh really impressed me in the playoffs, but are both 2-way, puck moving D-men, who lack the size and physicality to effectively be relied on in shutdown and PK situations. They are also both young and inexperienced. A few names I like to fill in as our #4 Dman this year are B. Dumouin, V. Gavrikov, and C. Soucy.

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