**Mercredi 31 mai – Mardi 06 juin** ###Autres vidéos | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 86 | [12 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1408j5n/all_we_can_do_is_just_laugh_at_this_point/) | `[Meme]` [All we can do is just laugh at this point.](https://v.redd.it/z5ihzoqz7z3b1)| | 30 | [9 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/13xw7zm/behind_the_battle_202223_episode_6_whos_next/) | [Behind the Battle 2022-23, Episode 6: Who’s Next?](https://youtu.be/o9NwqdkHey4)| | 29 | [17 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/140x40l/elliotte_friedman_gives_blues_jackets_and_rangers/) | [Elliotte Friedman Gives Blues Jackets and Rangers Coaching Updates](https://youtu.be/P4HoSGZoY2E)| | 21 | [8 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/142v3vn/ivan_provorov_welcome_to_the_columbus_blue/) | [Ivan Provorov – Welcome to the Columbus Blue Jackets – Career Highlights](https://youtu.be/13_yA34JdbI)| ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 254 | [124 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/142vplg/with_the_signing_of_provorov_ive_assembled_a/) | Avec la signature de Provorov, j’ai rassemblé un classement des personnes les plus méprisables à avoir jamais joué pour les vestes | | 134 | [80 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/141zmi7/vegas_just_makes_me_sad/) | Vegas me rend juste triste | | 111 | [19 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/13zzfwk/i_also_have_an_anecdotal_story_about_mike_babcock/) | j’ai aussi une histoire anecdotique à propos de Mike Babcock| | 111 | [7 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/140rzch/found_an_old_jarmo_card/) | [Found an old Jarmo card](https://i.redd.it/13ilht63q24b1.jpg)| | 103 | [189 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/142qsfr/cbj_acquire_defenseman_ivan_provorov_in_threeteam/) | `[Roster Update – Details Inside]` [CBJ acquire defenseman Ivan Provorov in three-team trade](https://www.nhl.com/bluejackets/news/cbj-acquire-defenseman-ivan-provorov-in-three-team-trade/c-344759480)| | 87 | [146 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/13zsrjq/they_discussed_the_babcock_hire_with_players/) | Ils ont discuté de la location de Babcock avec des joueurs | | 77 | [3 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/1400dom/i_have_an_anecdotal_story_about_mike_babcock/) | `[Meme]` [I have an anecdotal story about Mike Babcock](https://i.imgur.com/kP2nJ6I.jpg)| | 76 | [171 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/13zilwl/sportsnet_the_blue_jackets_intend_to_name_mike/) | [[Sportsnet] The Blue Jackets intend to name Mike Babcock as their new head coach once his contract with the Maple Leafs expires at the end of this month, Sportsnet can confirm.](https://twitter.com/sportsnet/status/1665037706726985731?s=46&t=nrWSjFH3btLY8Ctd-YcyMA) | | 74 | [34 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/13x15uf/hedger_not_expecting_a_cbj_head_coaching_hire/) | [[Hedger] Not expecting a #CBJ head coaching hire today/tonight or Thursday. Front office had meetings today, but no decision expected imminently.](https://twitter.com/brianhedger/status/1664034652451995650?s=46&t=3VDbFd4oOeowLgqTc90c4g)| | 68 | [181 comments](/r/BlueJackets/comments/13zgwa0/dreger_speculation_around_the_memorial_cup_is/) | [[Dreger] Speculation around the Memorial Cup is Mike Babcock will return to the NHL as @BlueJacketsNHL new coach and the delay in announcing coincides with his existing contract with the Maple Leafs expiring the end of this month.](https://twitter.com/darrendreger/status/1665023511339888642?s=46&t=nrWSjFH3btLY8Ctd-YcyMA)|
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