@Canucks de Vancouver

Rick Dhaliwal sur les Canucks échangeant les droits de Damon Severson, l’impact commercial de Provorov, Barbeshev

Rick Dhaliwal se joint à nous en début de semaine pour les dernières nouvelles sur ce qu’il entend concernant le besoin des Canucks de libérer de l’espace. Présenté par Northlands Golf Course @northlandsgolfcourse7709 (https://lnk.to/SPNGC) Écoutez et abonnez-vous au podcast : https://lnk.to/SP572 Envoyez-nous vos commentaires par SMS : 778-402-9680 🔗 : https:// linktr.ee/SekeresAndPrice https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com https://www.gogoatsports.com/


  1. From Sports Forecaster: “
    Has NHL size and strength, moves well and has a good point shot. He can play 20-plus minutes every night and be used in all situations. He is not going to put up huge offensive numbers and needs to improve his play in his own zone, but can be very effective as long as he is not asked to do too much.” So he’s not going to put up points AND he’s not very good defensively. So…why do we want him exactly? He sounds like most of the team. He’ll fit right in on this blue line.

  2. I had a Pavlovian response and got excited for the weekend when I saw a new Dhali hit was up

  3. Would it really be that bad for them not to have cap space to work with come July 1st?
    I mean, the list of July 1st over payments by this franchise should scare everyone.
    Let Tocchet work his magic for awhile and continue to create space and if help is needed, do so during the season via trade.

  4. I swear to god they better keep their 11th pick n not give it up to clear cap space or I'd freak out. I'd rather they try n use ratu or klimovich or both even as sweeteners than our 11th pick in this yrs deep draft. That's just my opinion.

  5. They have put themselves in this situation, this management is almost as bad as the previous. However they did set a new record

  6. More evidence that the trade for Filip Hronek was a good trade but at the wrong time. They should have recognized that this was not the year to do that trade hung on to the draft picks and not picked up Hroncks cap hit

  7. Canucks trying to create cap space with the 28th ranked prospect pool and just their remaining 1st round draft pick as a sweetener that anyone wants. Benning left a mess, but he didn't force Team Rutherford to sign a bunch of contracts to take the team over the cap.

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