@Blues de Saint-Louis

Que penseriez-vous d’un changement de gardien de but?

La lecture de l’article de l’Athletic sur 7 équipes qui devraient échanger contre John Gibson et bien que les Blues ne soient pas mentionnés, cela m’a fait réfléchir. Seriez-vous d’accord avec un échange de quelque chose comme Binnington, Scandela et l’une des dernières premières pour John Gibson? Il lui reste 4 ans sur son contrat mais son AAV est légèrement inférieur à celui de Binner. De plus, il est sans aucun doute une mise à niveau. Je pense que si nous sommes bloqués sur D, nous améliorerons peut-être le G et j’espère que son expérience de vétéran aidera Hofer à devenir un véritable n ° 1. Les Blues ont déjà eu du succès avec des gardiens vieillissants, alors je pense que ce serait une décision intéressante.



  1. quantumdildo

    What are Anaheim fans’s thoughts on the offer of Binnington, Scandella, and a late 1st for John Gibson

  2. Calb210

    Good luck with that trade proposal

  3. United_Foundation187

    I love these trade proposals that involve the preferred team packaging up all the unwanted baggage and dumping it on a team that’s eager to trade

  4. awildyetti

    Regardless of what binnington is or isn’t – the problem is the reanimated corpse that is the D-Lines that run in and out every night.

  5. Terrorstorm13

    Fair point, I shouldn’t have included Scandela. How about your choice of Krug, Faulk, or Parayko? Does that make more sense? I’m not an NHL scout the point of my question is would you be interested in bringing John Gibson to the Blues

  6. Advanced_Subject_459

    If you watched or listened to all 82 games you would know that really the majority of the losses were not due to binner. It was due to bad -D play, no offense, lack of hustle for the forwards back checking

  7. Drunk_Histories

    Goaltending is fine. I would rather just fix the biggest issue – defense.

    I know what 50 can do between the pipes with a decent defense.

    I also know even the best goaltenders of all time would have had a down year with as bad as our D played this year. That one game against the Ducks where we gave up like 20+ shots IN THE SLOT – there was no defense lol just a goalie doing his best to mitigate the damage. And that was par for the course this past year.

    Please fix the defense. Please.

  8. AmericanSamosa

    I love Gibson but idk how much of an upgrade it is long term. He’s older than Binnington and a goalie change won’t fix our defense which is a huge part of the GAA issue.

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