@Canadiens de Montréal

CONTRÔLE DE LA COUPE 2023 : Match 4 – Chandler – Golden Knights 3, Panthers 2

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse le quatrième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley entre les Golden Knights de Vegas et les Panthers de la Floride. COMMANDITAIRE : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya EASTER SEALS : https://bit.ly/3vcBVug Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque au sein de notre contenu !


  1. Fine then both.

    25K for Petro joining the scrum.
    100K for Tkachuk’s use of a stick as a weapon along with a warning that if he goes Florida Man with his stick one more time he will be suspended, Finals or no.

  2. I do think there were actions in the scrum that should carry over with penalization.

    Bennet flying in a cross checking someone at the end of the game? Bad. Very bad. Cause of the fight.

    Adin Hill punching with his blocker? Bad.

    Tkachuk using his stick to press down on the back of Pietrangelos neck? Really really bad. I think that was the biggest offense, and it was very dangerous. Of all the acts I think it was the most likely suspension, with Hill being the second most likely.

  3. Can't you just speak normally? If you spoke the way you did in this video to me in person, I would think something was wrong with you. Thumbs down.

  4. Make up your mind! "not a league, they don't protect their players." Seems to be something you're on record for saying.

    Do you LIKE the league calling penalties? or Do you LIKE the league swallowing the whistle? You bring up the fact that both things happen at this stage of the playoffs but don't seem to be overly happy about it. I would say this to you: before you think there ever needs to be an abundance of caution for the players, just take a gander at the NFL and what it so often looks like on a typical Sunday now. If you're younger you may not remember what it was but frankly, I often find it unwatchable now with the way offenses just run up and down the field and defenses aren't even allowed to make hard hitting plays any more. Now, do I want to see anyone injured to the point of paralysis or death? No but at this point I'm not even sure why any part of the salary cap is even spent on defense any more. Ya know?

  5. Could we have a Cup Check where we talk about something, anything, besides officiating???

  6. panthers were down 3 to 1 against the best team in the league ever ans knocked them out inthe first round.

  7. I think if that rule got put in place, you'd see a massive drop in penalties in the last 2 minutes. Officials wouldn't want to call them and leading teams wouldn't want to kill that off. It would also make the losing team go nuclear at the end of games as they try their hardest to draw a penalty. Extra time in hockey would be coveted more than anything else in a given game. It might actually ruin the endings of many games, example: losing team tries to draw a penalty by any means and they accidentally cause a trip or a slash, suddenly they're in the box and that 5 on 4 essentially ends the game. More games would end unceremoniously due to penalties.

  8. It is too late for this series, but add a rule that any unsportsmanlike penalties (2 min or 10min) after the horn become 2 min penalty to start the player's next game. Does that mean that the team that was the victim might not get the powerplay during the regular season? Yes, but it is better than nothing.

  9. Look… I'm not disagreeing with the points made in this video. However, I also think nobody is having this conversation about changing the penalty rules if this isn't a Vegas series.

  10. I don’t know why people have issues with shots and scrums. Personally, I love small mind games, seeing who loses their cool and who doesn’t react at all. The mental and physical warfare. That’s hockey at it’s core and shouldn’t go away. But hey, as someone who actually played hockey at a decent level, that’s just my option. I just don’t understand the anger towards rough chippy play and scrums.

  11. Why am i thinking if it had been Toronto instead of Vegas the refs would have been a non issue…do better Steve, it makes you look like an uneducated anamorphic clown

  12. If you look at recent Stanley cup champs, these are teams that have been good for a long period of time, tampa went to the finals in 2015 and were good until 2020 and 2021, Colorado was a beast and won the presidents trophy the year before they won, Washington was good but missed the playoffs a few times before they finally did it, Vegas who went to the cup in their first year has been good except last year every year. So you would assume teams like Carolina, Oilers, New York would sooner or later get over the hump? Hope to see at least one or all of these teams go all the way

  13. Montour???? go watch the last 10 seconds, Montour is 5 feet away from the blue line when the horn goes and he charges McNabb and ends up almost on top of Hill. which started the entire scrum.

    Honestly Montour should get a game for instigating, Tkachuk and everyone else are sadly not going to get anything.

  14. Why are the scrums after the game bothering anyone? Let’s all enjoy the chaos while we still have it this has been a great series to watch. Why let tempers cool?

  15. I called it Go. Vegas take the cup!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Over the Florida Panthers!😊 We will go further next year Toronto❤🎉😊

  16. 9:41 So for me IMO if there's less than 30 secs in a one goal game the team that would get the powerplay should have the option to either take the powerplay or take the penalty shot.

  17. I am a Stars fan and I’m going to cheer for Vegas because I don’t want Tkachuk to win the cup.

  18. Vegas deserves the cup Hill has been awesome!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤😊

  19. Honestly IMO I think a penalty at the end of a game in the playoffs SHOULD carry over as it would prevent the ridiculous brewhahas at the end of games.

  20. Used to appreciate Tchuc k s star play even though he doesnot play for my beloved team A good play and hockey talent is what it is nomatter the player or teamI used to like Tampa for years but they played dirty The entire state of Florida needs a bath!Very disappointed If you cannot play like a decent sportsman than you are a false winner and not cup worthy😮

  21. I am wondering. Because there was a two minute penalty that actually only lasted 18 seconds in addition to a little team brawl at the ending of the game. Why do the teams start game five with a clean slate and not with penalties to serve?

  22. Why not let penalties carry over to the next game? At the very least for personal penalties. Let them start the next game in the box. Seems fairly easy and straddles the line between fine and suspention by being meaningful but not disruptive.

    Do we know of any league that has tried this?

  23. Any penalty above a minor that has ledt over time at the end of the game should be served by the player in the next game. Not by giving the other team a power play but that the player must wait before they can take their first shift

  24. how about half the penalty. cause most really good teams will absolutely score down 1 with a powerplay in the last minute, if they had to kill the whole thing, they would lose their momentum going into overtime and lose most of the time.

  25. I called Vegas in 5 but this series is exactly where we were in Boston not long ago, anything can happen, Vegas needs to step on the neck with killer instinct, do not let this team hang around for another game.

  26. Considering that you can score a goal in a second or two, it's never a good idea to take a penalty on purpose…

  27. If anybody deserves a suspension, it's Tkachuk for trying to pull Petro's head off with his stick.

  28. Bob has been great but if the Panthers want to live to see a game 6, Bob has to be better than great. Bob has to be the greatest goalie of all time in game 5. Bob has to be beyond human from here forward. T-mobile arena is going to be a fucking zoo Tuesday night. The panthers have a lot more going against them now. The Panthers touched the Prince of Wales Trophy and you know what happens then.

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