@Golden Knights de Vegas

Rapport du match d’hier

Donc, je vis à 3 heures de FlaLive Arena et j’ai acheté des billets pour le match 4. Je suis allé au match avec mon fiancé et je suis entré. Permettez-moi de dire que les fans de Panther sont les fans les plus hostiles avec lesquels j’ai eu affaire. La quantité d’insultes homosexuelles que j’ai entendues m’a donné l’impression d’être de retour au lycée en 2010. J’ai eu un fan des Panthers qui s’est approché et m’a mis dans le visage pendant que je me tenais dans le hall en me criant avec colère de « trouve ta place, mon pote » alors que je revenais d’aller aux toilettes. Guy crie qu’ils nous frapperaient si nous marquions un autre but et encourageions notre équipe. Les fans criaient pour des pénalités inexistantes et se plaignaient bruyamment que Vegas était doué pour le match. À part les fans, nous avons passé un moment merveilleux à regarder nos garçons prendre les devants 3-1 ! Finissons ce mardi et renvoyons cette putain de fanbase à la maison en train de pleurer !

[Some photos from the game!](https://imgur.com/a/FJlJzj2/) #GO CHEVALIERS GO



  1. FlurriesofFleuryFury

    I’m so glad the knights won when you were there to see it! Congratulations on your impending marriage and GO KNIGHTS GO

  2. sarahmichelef

    Those people suck. I hope you had fun anyway and thanks for sharing the pictures!


  3. intoxicatedbarbie

    I’m sorry you had to put up with that. Thanks for supporting our boys on the road, despite the hostility! Congrats on your engagement!

  4. _zydrate_

    I run a bar in Shark territory and wore a VGK jersey to work.

    I had a guy walk up to me, look at my jersey and ask  » Did they win?  » I say  » Yes, the score wa…  » he cuts me off and says  » I really don’t care.  »
    We stood there in awkward silence for a moment. He follows with  » Thats not a real hockey team.  » I just reply  » Our stats say otherwise.  » He then looks me up and down then smirks. Another long pause of awkward silence. I’m just standing there ready to defend against any action at this point. He turns and walks away leaving me thinking  » WTF was that?  » but as he is walking out the door he yells  » GO PANTHERS!  »

    Just about everyone else my whole shift said  » Go Knights!  »  » That was a good game!  » or  » Florida fans suck. « 

  5. RoombaArmy

    Oh shit, I’m really sorry this happened to you. I was at the game too and was prepared for a rough experience but it was relatively smooth. Some friendly banter and a guy being a bit of a dick, but that was really it.

    At least you got to see the knights win!! Go knights go!!

  6. s0ciety_a5under

    So what I’m getting from this post is that Florida fans are actually trash fans, it wasn’t just a few bad apples throwing trash. It’s the team culture there.

  7. sportsthatguy

    As a Panthers fan since ‘96 I’m sorry you dealt with that. That sucks. When I went to the Heat game in Boston it was the most hostile environment I’ve ever experienced. Sadly I think this is more common in arenas than we realize.

  8. stinkfloyd17

    I’m 85% certain I saw you on tv. Judging by your photos and the jersey you wore, they definitely showed someone with their lady that looks like you in that area.

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