@Bruins de Boston

« La LNH est truquée. »

#nhl #hockey #nhlplayoffs #stanleycup « La LNH est truquée! » C’est du moins ce que pensent de nombreux fans des Panthers de la Floride après la défaite du match 4 en finale de la coupe Stanley de la LNH. Nous décomposons le match 4 et la * vraie * raison pour laquelle les Golden Knights de Vegas ne sont qu’à une victoire de remporter la coupe Stanley. Musique présentée par blaowry Suivez-le sur ⏩ https://www.instagram.com/blaowry/ https://youtube.com/channel/UCeHAyP3nx4LWPArr9Mca0nQ https://www.beatstars.com/blaowry jack eichel vegas marque des chevaliers d’or pierre sergei bobrovsky paul maurice matthew tkachuk barkov coupe stanley jeu 4 le hockey séries éliminatoires de la lnh


  1. The NHL rules and officiating are horrible. It's not rigged though. Lots of games are ruined due to terrible officiating and that is beginning to diminish my enjoyment of the game.

  2. It's rigged for vegas, which is why FLA got three consecutive pps after they went down in game 2, five pps in game 3, and a 6 on 4 at the most critical point of game 4

  3. Vegas had no penalty calls the entire game apart from the last few seconds of the third period. Rigged… Maybe.

  4. Sorry man, the NHL IS rigged. I've been watching it for 30 years, and let me tell you, the REFS ARE DEFINTELY told who to call more penalties on. I don't care about your take, what I am saying is the truth. FACTS. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? There's no disputing it. I HEARD IT FROM ACTUAL REFEREES.

  5. With the piling injuries that FLA has, that team is definitely playing with what they have left in their tank. This next game is on Vegas to close it out. Flying cross country for game six would not be the best scenario. #GKG

  6. So, if the Panthers somehow come back from this 1-3 deficit, like they did against the Bruins (which in some people's minds was clearly rigged), and end up wining the Stanley Cup, will Vegas fans insist that the NHL is rigged? It seems that no matter who wins and no matter how they win, in somebody's mind it's always rigged. I never believed that Super Bowl XL was rigged, but was thoroughly convinced that it was one of the few times in which the referees absolutely blew the game they called. Had they done their job more competently, I think there would have been a high likelihood that the Seahawks would have won that game. Unless it's the team itself purposely backing off from playing up to their skill level in order to throw the game (Chicago White Sox 1919 World Series), virtually all professional sporting events boils down to a tremendous amount of skill and a certain bit of luck on both sides of the rink, court, or field (not because some powers-that-be happen to be pulling strings). I'm rooting for the Panthers because I'm generally an Eastern Conference fan, but if you ask me, Florida is not playing well—at all (unless they can force the remaining games into overtime). If they lose, which I think they will, it's because the better team showed up to win. Just like last year. As a Lightning fan, no matter how much I dislike the Avalanche, I have to admit that they won the Stanley Cup fair and square.

  7. I hate to say it, but both could be true. The NHL does want vegas to win and have since they came into the league. They had analysts all claiming that vegas was going to be one of the worst teams entering the league, however if you actually look at it, they were set up to succeed. Also, the draft rules were greatly in thier favor. Before their expansion draft, I was making claims that they'd be in the playoffs for sure and likely in cup finals without injuries. I was correct in my analysis despite all of the "analysts" claiming otherwise. I did state however, that the league was hoping to have vegas win a cup within their first 5 years. That may not have come true, however vegas has yet to miss the playoffs and on year 6 could very well be winning the cup, so I wasn't far off. hockey is a game of split second decisions and weird bounces, but that doesn't mean that you cannot guide and influence it towards a desired outcome. it can be random, yet still be rigged. they aren't mutually exclusive when it comes to gameplay. The draft lottery, however, is more easily rigged, but can still have some randomness involved to try and mask it.

  8. Hockey is the fastest sport, therefore it is the hardest sport to call. There is no grand conspiracy, bad calls just happen sometimes. VGK has dominated this series; they’ve also gotten all the calls. Both things can be true at the same time.

  9. Right. And when we were in the finals in 2018 it totally wasn’t rigged for the Crapitals and Ovechkin. The whole league wasn’t sucking him off for the entire length of the playoffs or anything

  10. Saying that things are rigged when your guy doesn't win, whether it's sports, politics, etc, is all the rage these days.

  11. Tkachuk should have been suspended after game 2, should definitely get one for game 5. 4 10 minutes in 4 games and a clear intent to injure Petrangello when he used his stick as leverage against his neck. Look, Florida has had a great season, but Luck and Determination can only get you so far against pure skill. All Florida has left is to try and take knights down with them in penalty scrums. note: this is my opinion

  12. Please stop sounding like you know what your talking about
    Your scaring the biased fans like me


  13. I'm so sick and tired if this "rigged" nonsense. It's happening in every professional sports league. People need to suck it up, admit that their team lost and move on. It's short-sighted, hypocritical, and flat out childish. Do officials make bad calls sometimes? Of course. You can debate the validity of calls/non-calls all you want, it makes for good discussion. But you have to accept the final result regardless, not cry "fix". You know that if the roles were reversed and your team benefitted, you would be totally fine with the outcome. If you can't deal with the result of a game, stop being a sports fan. You can't always get your way in life.

  14. Florida was the CLEANER in mobville. The water and food they ate was drugged. To give the panthers with insane focus to give them the clear edge over the nuclear superpowers of the east ,Boston, Toronto, Caralonia , until they met Vegas . And then the role reversal Vegas gets the good drugs and Florida gets the drugs that make them look sluggish and out of sync. This is easily done with the food being served and with the water . Cause come on Vegas probably would of lost too any of those teams that Florida took out .The East was way too strong. But oh well believe what u want to believe. It's Sports Entertainment after all. Professional sports are just as corrupt as your local politician. They are going to the big party and none of us are invited.

  15. The real problem is there are so many dog shit teams that have been left to rot. Of course its frustrating when these new teams are gifted solid rosters right off the expansion draft.

  16. If it's trult rigged, Arizona will win the Cup and they will get approved for a New Arena to keep Betman's dream of keeping them in Arizona alive.

  17. Vegas Born, Vegas raised here. The refs have been atrocious this series (and ask playoffs long if we really break it down). They are not making calls that obviously need to be made, against both teams, and are letting the chippy, thug-like attitude swelter. Tkachuk is prime example of this. Dude has gotten a misconduct in every game, it should be obvious he's going to be doing something, but the refs let him get away with so much before actually calling anything. In all honesty, Player Safety should get involved and suspend him a game for the after game scrum , especially since he was using the stick to pull people's heads around.

  18. I'm not saying I agree that it's rigged or anything, but it's kind of odd that this video would point to issues that are not in contention as a defence against those accusations. From what I've heard, those who feel that it's "rigged" claim that there have been far more calls / non-calls that went in favour of Vegas / against Florida, than the reverse. Basically, calling 50/50 decisions say 75% of the time the way Vegas would want it. That seems to be their issue.

  19. I laugh out loud at Panthers fans claiming the league is rigged. Vegas won because they played a better game of hockey, plain and simple. Had the game gone Florida´s way the fans would have been happy as hell. Get over it. Vegas is just a better team!

  20. Oh yes brother, you're so right. Refs giving FL a 17 second power play after blowing the whistle for NO reason as the Panthers had a chance to score is total proof that the refs are fair.

  21. Hockey might be the hardest sport to rig
    Bedsides, it is not just that the Golden Knights are the better team, they are probably the worst match up for Florida


  23. Vegas is just playing a better game

    Florida is playing a dumb game

    Blowing first two games with dumb penalties and bad defense

    Pulling off game 3 by miracle

    And doing the same crap with a line change during Vegas rush

    Just outclassed in every aspect of the game thus far

  24. I appreciate the sarcasm of this piece that captures the current state of the NHL. Let’s make sure fans feel entertained, even if it’s at the cost of the integrity of the sport’s rules. Heck, it’s always been that way during my lifetime. But as a kid, I’d watch a controversial play, feel outraged and move on. But it’s harder to now because each call is dissected across social media across umpteen commentators. It feels like the narrative of the game is not about the speed and skill or the physicality, even those are on display better than ever. It’s become about the anarchy of the game itself. You could build a Youtube playlist that would stretch on for days about just the controversies. Maybe it’s just me that feels that way, but I do. And it’s getting harder to keep the blinders on when I watch the sport I grew up playing and loving.

  25. Of course the Knights will win. They have a stranglehold and they're clearly the far better team. I just hope they do it in Vegas. Who knows what Florida fans will do next time they lose?

  26. If the NHL was rigged the most profitable team in the league, the Maple Leafs, would have won at least one cup in the last 55 years.

  27. Toyota whinning pather fans, shut the f••• up. Vegas is playing better hockey than you

  28. *trusts a multinational corporation, who is desperately trying to recover lost profits during the pandemic to be fair and honest, not do everything it can within the realm of plausible deniability to ensure the maximum audience expansion and thus revenue capture.

    The players are better than ever, but the league is unanimously considered asscheeks for one reason and one reason only: profiteering at the expense of the on ice product.

    Hockey is a cultural phenomenon, but like everything else in this godforsaken world, we put a saddle on it and ride it around for money. That’s human, but at a certain point you breed an animal not worth riding.

    Many things are being pushed into this territory and it’s painful to watch.

  29. People claiming that the NHL, or any sport, is rigged haven't put the thought into just how many people would have to be "in on it" for it to succeed.

  30. Basically what Panther fans are asking for, is for the refs to win the game for them, because the Panthers players can't. Vegas is winning this series 5 on 5, their better right now period. You want the refs to give ya some power plays so you have a chance? People are crazy.

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