@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Je ne dis pas que c’était tout moi mais…

E-mail vraiment cool que j’ai reçu du gestionnaire de compte cannes !



  1. dragons_fire77

    Lol, I got the exact same stats. So we are game twins apparently.

  2. Chris300000000000000

    Do any other teams do this, or are the Hurricanes the only team in all of sports with that many brain cells?

  3. vulturegoddess

    I am assuming only season ticket members get this? And if so where do you access it? Congrats on the stats btw, very impressive.

  4. kingone7

    Dang I’m going to be half season next season let’s keep these stats rolling

  5. PeteUKinUSA

    I have a higher win percentage but you have a bigger sample size. This obviously means I need to go to more games. I shall inform the wife accordingly.

  6. USC2001

    I got mine today too. Pretty cool. I was there for 10 games with a 70% win rate. That win rate seems like I’m good luck, until you realize those 10 games included seeing Patches, Svetch, and Turbo all go down with injury.

    So apparently I’m good luck in the short term but a curse long term. Guess a SCF game 7 would be my time to shine.

  7. SnooWoofers1685

    My win percentage was 88%

  8. NoAnalBeadsPlease

    Has the coach called you? When are you signing with the team??

  9. whycantigetwhatiwant

    Lol I got the same stats except 3 more goals somehow

  10. Clark828

    My numbers were, 5 > 24 > 2 > 71%.

    And I was almost there for the Sharks game. Still upset I missed it. Sold tickets two days before because I couldn’t go.

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