@Panthers de la Floride

Ce Hot Mic Chirp à Tkachuk DOIT être dit …

La fin du match 4 entre les Panthers de la Floride et les Golden Knights de Vegas a été assez agitée et Matthew Tkachuk s’est fait piquer après un jeu très sale sur Alex Pietrangelo. Les séries éliminatoires de la LNH se poursuivent demain soir avec le match 5 ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. I say next game, if he isnt suspended and the Knights are up late in the 3rd, run his head into the boards as hard as possible.

  2. Petrangelo should be suspended under nhl rules for coming out of the penalty box at the end of the game and being part of the reason all this happened. But we won’t talk about that now will we? They won. No need to come out like that and utterly stupid that he did as well because he might not play anymore.

  3. I mean Tkachuck is literally whacking opponents with a hockey stick on TV. Dude should be in jail for AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A WEAPON

  4. Put Tkachuk and Marchand in the Octogon until they get it all out of their system. They deserve each other.

  5. Well I don’t think you can suspend him for that but I’d rather see him get his justice on the ice tbh

  6. I'm not forgetting that other game where a Florida panther had tied up both arm and neck of a VGK player and Tkachuck straight up blasted the guy in the face for no reason

  7. Not suspension worthy. It was barely anything, just a bad visual. But all this is the nhls fault cause they don't let people fight anymore.

  8. Look, Bunting got 3 games for an elbow, first offence, YES i think the league should review this, all this talk about Petroangelo coming out of the box at the end of game, time expired is ridiculous. I have been wondering when someone would say something about this? Tkachuk never drops his stick, as you pointed out reefed violently several times with his stick wrapped around the back of the neck and slashed at least 3x plus what looks like a soear as well…2 games minumum for these infractions, but the league has no guts…

  9. All the complaining about him but everyone would take him on there team in a minute.

  10. Vegas needs to do what Boston should've done before Ullmark handed them game 5 in OT. Close this out, and send Tkachuk home. He doesn't deserve it with all his gargbage antics and fluke goals.

  11. I don't know how to describe it, but the NHL seems incredibly naive. You can do anything after the whistle if you don't drop your gloves or stick. You can full on punch a guy in the face. Like Tkachuk, you can swing your stick, stick it in a player's face, and use it to create a headlock. All draw no penalties. Are Tkachuk"s actions worthy of suspension? Yes, but not for this singular incident. They are suspendable because they happen after every stoppage. If the NHL showed they aren't going to tolerate this, even in this dramatic context, Tkachuk and players like him might abandon these juvenile tactics. He'd be a better player, a better teammate if he focused on his play before the whistle to stop play.

  12. Didn't Benn's stick to the neck against Stone result in a suspension? How is this any different?

  13. T-chuck is a scumbag. It's a shame, because he's such a talented player, just – an absolute arsehat. If he just stuck to playing hard, physical hockey, he'd be a champion without question.

  14. Tkachuk the guys such a dirty player. Florida is loaded with them. Florida has no place in this Stanley Cup final. Every series they were in they got away with some pretty dirty hockey. The refs were always just trying to give each team the same amount of penalties and not holding Florida to account for their dirty play. This has been their game plan from the start of the playoffs and it’s made the nhl final unwatchable.

  15. Panthers got a by in the Toronto series…..refs ignored a lot of really horrible and dangerous penalties the Panthers committed! Toronto is lucky to have a hockey team left after that fiasco! Hey, lets put another ref on the ice to take up space and ignore penalties too! What a woke joke the NHL has become and the refs are still bad decade after decade!

  16. The man is one of the dirtiest players I have ever seen. DEFINITELY should be suspended, but we all know that ain't gonna happen.

  17. Tkachuk is tied with Marchant as the two dirtiest players in the NHL. And somehow they both avoid their due discipline from the NHL and its DPS! Maybe Zach Kassian should travel and dress as a neutral player at all Panthers games moving forward and every time Tkachuk gets out of hand Kassian jumps over the boards and rag dolls him again and again! The only difference between Tkachuk and Marchant is that Marchant is a slew foot/low bridge/face licking a-hole and Tkachuk is a spearing/slashing/stickwork/punch the non-fighters a-hole!

  18. Just like his father…an arrogant A hole. Celebrate with your teammates? Nah..lets be goofy and not congratulate our goaltender at the other end, instead lets just walk off the ice and try making it all about me..sound good? Should i try and fight fair and respect other veterans? Nah..how about cross checking them from behind, slashing at their ankles, and then I skate away when they try and fight me? Yup sounds good..lol so classless. Don’t worry his season ends tmrw anyway. He already lined up on the green for Wednesday morning. RIP Panthers.

  19. Although a very good player, Tkachuk is a gutless coward who always plays dirty, especially with players being held down, or those who do not fight. Suspend the asshole!

  20. Fighting is understandable but this could have ended a hockey career. Using a hockey stick to rip s guys head off is way over the line. Of course this is a suspendable action.
    at least 3 games.

  21. Pussy hockey YouTuber which is it is it too soft or too dirty booooooo!!!!! I love the shit talk! I love the rough stuff! Why don’t you cover figure skating bud?.?.

  22. Turns out Pietrangelo may get a suspension for leaving the penalty box to get involved in the scrum. We'll see what happens.

  23. and who is it..? ofc the biggest idiot in the league, if what he is doing game after game if he be doing this in the street he been in jail for long time now..what an absolut idiot he is, that is not how a good sportsman act..

  24. Lets all remember the most suspended player in the playoffs was Michael bunting. He's not even in the top 20 for what deserves a suspension

  25. No suspension here. This stuff happens all the time and 99.95 percent of those professionals know where the line is that can't be crossed. The best players have respect for their opponents and they show their true colors in the handshake line. I doubt that Matthew Tkachuk will get much respect in that lineup but we'll see, maybe tonight even.

  26. Tkackoke the joke thought he was tough. At least his daddy dropped the gloves. Glad Kolesar got the receipt. Eliminated that punk ass biatch

  27. yes he should not be in game 5 suspended and possibly ejected from hockey for using his stick to cause bodily harm

  28. ouu suspend him. he should get 20 lashings and 10 years attempted murder charge fer sure yup ,hes a bad man 🤪said every vegas fan. he coulda hurt him but he didn't. //NO HARM NO FOUL.

  29. 100% this is suspendible. Major intent to injure here, after the end of the game, and use of the stuck against another player AND the ref. Like you said though, he’s been given free reign because it’s the finals. I understand leniency during the playoffs, but this was so far overboard. Absolutely uncalled for. The Panthers embrace the rats for a reason.

  30. He better keep his head up next game, because a lot of Knights are going to line him up.

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