@Ligue nationale de hockey

Il n’y a tout simplement pas de comparaison.

Met vraiment les choses en perspective.



  1. NVHoonigan

    Other sports give the trophy to the owner first, hockey goes straight to the players. Nothing is better!

  2. No_Angle_8106

    Completely embarrassing the other trophies go to the owners. They didn’t do shit, the players did

  3. StPatrick174

    One of the few things the NHL gets right.

  4. Yung_Corneliois

    My classic argument:

    How many beers/champagne/hot dogs can you chug out of the Lombardi?

  5. shwysdrf

    Kroenke seems like a shit guy but good on him for winning three titles so close together like that. Almost four if Arsenal didn’t crap the bed.

  6. « the most magnificent trophy in sports » (said during the Sakic Bourque cuo presentation) and the only one that carries the names of the players that won it.

  7. TinnieTa21

    I agree with the point about the owner getting the trophy first.

    I understand it is their investment and whatnot but from an entertainment standpoint, watching a frail old white guy hoist a trophy every year is somewhat cringe.

    Aside from that though, what bothers me most about these trophies is that aside from the Stanley Cup, the others have absolutely shitty full names. The Larry O’Brien trophy? The Vince Lombardi Trophy? Keep it short.

    The NHL has the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The cup is promoted right off the bat. It is probably the only thing marketing wise that the NHL is superior at compared to the other leagues.

  8. SomeDudeinCO3

    Kroenke should have learned a lesson from Sakic.

  9. micropterus_dolomieu

    Why is a human-shaped tumor holding the trophy in the top and middle photos?

  10. PtAgAu

    Kroenke, the Laurie’s, and everything Wal-Mart can all go fornicate themselves with an iron stick

  11. userid004

    Bettman working on sponsorship deal now
    Ads on the Cup the fans love it-actually like it better.

  12. ddddeadhead1979

    Also every other trophies seem made to break if you drop it but the Cup will only be slightly dent if you throw it from the 3rd floor.

  13. MJStozy

    Not sure I’d love hockey as much if the Cup was just a stupid little silver trophy with a puck on top of it.

  14. Syrinx16

    I’m waiting for the day that one of the owners in NBA/NFL/MLB say “hell no, give that trophy to the players” and let’s them hold it first.

    Beating a dead horse at this point, but it’s true, owners do very little when it comes to winning the trophy. The players put their body on the line. The players earned those trophies through blood sweat and tears. They deserve to lift it before anyone else.

  15. LozangeFire

    Anyone one that says the Stanley Cup playoffs are rigged by refs and bettman are ruining the beauty that is the moment pictured above.

  16. dbag3o1

    I really think that the person that should hand the Cup, or trophy, over should be the captain of the defending champs. It’ll be like passing the baton.

    It’d be a cool moment though does have a chance to be awkward like having Stamkos tell Landy to come and get the Cup.

  17. MaximusRubz

    Fuck handing the trophies to the owners – I get they bankrolled the team, but I dunno – just seems so bleh.

    Also – just looking for general commentary here – not tryna stir anything up.

    But I couldn’t help but notice that, the top 2 pics – where the trophy being handed to the owners are for sports which are predominantly African Americans (NBA/NFL)

    But the one sport, where the trophy is handed directly to the player is predominately Caucasian Americans(NHL)?

    Again – not tryna stir up shit – but just my observation (which probably others have made as well)

    Any coincidences or is it as awkward as it seems?

  18. Woodrovski

    NBA presentation last night was god awful.

  19. bxball

    I’ve never thought about it until now. Reason 242 it’s the best game

  20. specifichero101

    The moment of the cup being handed over and lifted for the first time is amazing every single season. I will never not watch the final game of the season. I can’t miss it, too special of a moment.

  21. kidtire

    In hockey we call the champion the “Stanley Cup Winner”, called after the trophy won. None of the other major four leagues do that. In football they are the Super Bowl winner, after the game. In baseball they are the World Series winner, after the series of games. In basketball they are the NBA Champion after the league.

    In no other league do you get the exact same trophy that was handed to last year’s winner when you win. They make a new copy each year.

  22. Puzzleheaded-Lead126


  23. badgerbob1

    Giving the championship trophy to the owner, a dipshit who’s lucky enough to be rich enough to own a team and not the captain of the team, the leader of the men who, you know, ACTUALLY won the trophy is just so fucking gross. Good on the NHL for giving the trophy to the actual players

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