@Flames de Calgary

GOTTA SEE IT: Chaque gros coup, combat et mêlée de Bruising Battle of Alberta

Suivez toute l’action avec chaque combat majeur, mêlée et coup dur de la première bataille de l’Alberta de la saison. ———————————————- Abonnez-vous à Sportsnet sur YouTube – http://sprtsnt.ca/2paAT2L Visitez Sportsnet.ca pour plus d’actualités sportives et de faits saillants – http://www.sportsnet.ca Suivez Sportsnet sur Facebook – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTFB Suivez Sportsnet sur Twitter – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTWTR Suivez Sportsnet sur Instagram – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTINST Suivez Sportsnet sur Snapchat – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSNAP Regardez Sportsnet sur Sportsnet maintenant – http://sportsnet.ca /maintenant


  1. Where it used to be like where I was watching a rocky movie in the old day now I feel as though I’m watching a figure skating competition

  2. It’s gotten to the point where the linesmen can go out to dinner during the games and still get paid for doing nothing like a township road department job

  3. Personal opinion I hate tchuck he always goes after the super stars and then whenever the big guys respond he turtles I hate him and the way he plays with a passion and my team barely plays them

  4. 3:28 Bennet knocks that ref stupid when he hits the pile. You can see the ref grab onto the back of the Oilers jersey.

  5. Best game to introduce my son and daughter too for playoff hockey ,15 and 13
    Please go 7 games

  6. I was watching this game and I still wasn’t upset that the game took so long great fights and hits

  7. It feels so good to be a Canadian hockey fan watching this live

  8. I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)
    Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:7)
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)

  9. cowards who slewfoot (Draisatl, Marchand) need to be suspended when they do it. The announcers kept calling it a hit, open your eyes

  10. Такой хоккей нам не нужен… С Драка через каждое вбрасывание. Идите нахуй на улицу деритесь, из игры боище устроили.

  11. It's still unbelievable to me that the Oilers can have over five top 5 draft picks in their lineup and still not get to the Stanley

  12. Drаisaitl is a sneaky player, he hits a stick from behind between the legs of a rival player, this has happened repeatedly. I hope that someone will beat him up one day so that this German will stop behaving like the last scoundrel

  13. Wish Connor would show even an ounce of toughness. Yeah, yeah, he’s the skating star or whatever but doesn’t mean he needs to be a soggy noodle either

  14. Anytime a “star” starts something and a teammate jumps in for them,that teammate should get kicked from the game and the opposite team should get a massive power play

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