@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les fans de Vegas sont comme

Les fans de Vegas sont comme



  1. lucifur_sweetdog

    « Never thought I’d live to see the day! I can finally die in peace…. »
    -5yr old Jimmy from Las Vegas

  2. maxandgeorge

    Vegas fans gonna think they invented booing the commissioner and talk shit next year when whoever wins the cup does it

  3. SpiritualProcedure19

    Try being a Leafs fan, its only been 662 months

  4. 2KRusher28

    Not our fault we are a well ran organization

  5. dred2023

    Stanley Cups: Vegas 1; Vancouver/Buffalo 0. Got to be patient, Rome wasn’t built in a day /s

  6. reidwasfound

    Flames fans have been waiting a little more then 84 months…

  7. NShelson

    Top tier shitpost. As a big fan of both subs I seriously enjoy this

  8. The salt have brined my pickles and we’ve arrived Motherfuckers.

  9. KingUnusual5203

    Has it though? 84 months is 7 years. Have they been a team for that long?

  10. Fatboiii_69

    Are they the youngest team to win the cup? As in from their inception to winning.

  11. Weak_Area_6866

    Used to go watch Las Vegas Thunder games in the 90s when I was a kid and the wranglers later on. They always said Vegas would never have a nhl team (or any pro-sports team) because of the gambling. Now the cup is in Vegas and the rest of y’all can suck toes!

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