@Panthers de la Floride

Fil d’appréciation de Chucky

Le dynamisme, la bataille et la volonté de gagner de cet homme sont tout simplement incroyables. Rien de cette course ne se passe sans lui. Ses 7 prochaines années m’ont plus pompé que je ne l’ai jamais été au cours des 25 dernières années.



  1. TheCatEmpire2

    Huby trade proved wise after all. Looking forward to seeing what Zito pulls off in the off season. Hoping we put Staals, White behind us and bring Gudas, Carlsson on for D. Chucky showed a lot of grit and clutch play this was by far the most exciting post season since ‘96 and even one win more successful. Got to believe the team has an honest chance next year of getting it all

  2. teddyjj399

    I was really against the trade when it happened. Thought we overpayed for a player who I thought had his best years behind him. He blew me out of the water with his play this year, and i have complete faith in Zito now. He clearly sees the game different than even other GMs.

    I will say Montour stepping up made losing Weegar way easier, he’s a stud. This team has a serious window

  3. mark_dink

    bro played through a broken sturnum in games 3 and 4. he gave it his all in those home games even if it was putting his health at risk. bro has heart and he wasnt ready to go home then. sucks that he wasnt able to play for game 5 but i dont think the result would have been too different.

    even has a caps fan who hopped on since last years playoffs, im excited for what is to come next season. meow

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