@Ligue nationale de hockey

Cela a bien vieilli

Cela a bien vieilli




    It’s still pretty funny

    And losing to Florida like that just shows how far Toronto is from a cup

  2. BeerLeagueSnipes

    Hahahaha fuck this guy. Karma bitch.

  3. thegrouch07

    Bobrovsky always chokes. Always has, always will. Florida was outplayed all series.

  4. bcw_83

    I was really hoping someone on Vegas was going to do this to him…

  5. 3Snowshoes

    The Leafs losing so goddamned always, always ages well.

  6. Tiger5804

    Just like « we want Florida »

  7. GrandPound109

    Fuck you gudas. A shame no one saw you take down knies.

  8. Professional_Tank608

    Gudas is a terrible person clearly

  9. CreateorWither

    The funny thing is Gudas is a free agent and would be perfect for TO.

  10. Igniter08

    I prefer the video of Bieksa dropping him with a superman punch. Never gets old.

  11. canadianinkorea

    So nice to see him lose.

  12. Melodic-Bug-9022

    They won another series after the Leafs and advanced to the Finals, finishing #2, it didn’t age that poorly. Some teams haven’t been in the Finals since the first year CBC aired the Cup Finals in color.

  13. Deep_Bit5618

    Panthers were the absolute worst team to make it to a cup final.

  14. mentalyblind

    Flames fan and I was cheering for both team all the way because I hate edmonton and love tkachuck. But I hate Gudas with a passion he’s just a rat, like tkachucks a rat but he’s a fun one.

  15. SilenceDogood442

    I’m so fucking glad Florida lost in such a spectacular fashion

  16. fork_that

    Are there clips of his response after losing?

  17. Fedbackster

    Did anyone scream in this lowlife’s face when he lost? He deserves that.

  18. internetman666

    The face in this picture is so cringe. I mean I get you are excited to win. But to scream in the back up goalies face is just…I don’t know

  19. No_File7667

    It did. They made the finals.

  20. LouieSportsman

    I mean it was like 10 games ago. It has nothing to do with what happened. Leafs fans are sooks they got bullied.

  21. Les_Hands

    Is there only kids in this sub, like really? A photo from the 2nd round?

  22. gotfcgo

    Congrats on winning the 31st pick in the draft Florida!

  23. TheHockeyDude14

    So glad that mf and Matthew Sternum lost that cup , Bob deserved better tho

  24. bliceroquququq

    This picture and him holding the stick beforehand were what made me want to see Florida to lose. I was hoping to see him cry on the bench afterwards, but i guess a 9-3 final will have to suffice.

  25. NotNotLogical

    I think it aged okay.

    Didn’t Toronto want Florida?

  26. BallsMahogany_redux

    If only Hill would have screamed in his face at the end.

  27. Answerly

    Lol what a loser. Would have been nice having that done to him. But nobody else seems to be as classless as this dude.

  28. GrandpaMofo

    They were worn out and it showed.

  29. gelapenosunrise

    Fuck Florida and all their bandwagon fans. They played dirty and it killed them. Little secret to Boston, Leaf’s, and Canes, Bob doesn’t like shots when moving pipe to pipe.

  30. butkasgoofy284

    Such a loser, no class! Glad he got destroyed. Him and Thachuk are both assholes!

  31. thrillhouse4

    That clown and the rest his clown-ass team didn’t deserve to even be in the finals. They dished it but couldn’t take it. 9-3 loss lmao

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