@Blues de Saint-Louis

Le massacre de la Saint-Patrick

17 mars 1991 – Saint Louis @ Chicago. Adam Oates à propos de la bagarre de la 2e période – « C’était bizarre. J’avais assez peur, je vais vous le dire. Laissez-moi reformuler ça. Terrifié. Grimson, Manson et Peluso et ils avaient aussi 10 corps sur la glace. » Tiré de The Hockey News. La bagarre, mettant en vedette Dave Manson contre Scott Stevens.


  1. Good for Manson. Stevens was always a PUNK. For once he picked on someone his own size.

  2. Still not a Toronto /Boston brawl from the 70s not bad but i have seen better

  3. Garth Butcher, Dave Manson, Stu Grimson….the most perfect hockey names ever!

  4. This is so fucking great – the announcer is calling it like it's a boxing match! Those were the days. I haven't watched TV for more than 20 years, so I don't know if hockey has become woke and snowflakey. I sure hope not, cause it was the last of the sports for real men.

  5. Old time Hockey – back when a rivalry meant something! Keenan was finally able to ruin the Blues just a few years later

  6. When people ask me what was the most memorable sporting event I ever attended, this is it. The atmosphere was incredible. Wondering if this game took a lot out of both teams as they fizzled in the playoffs a month later.

  7. Those boys aren’t woke not like today’s NHL what a disaster.Even the commentators are woke today sad.

  8. This was iconic hockey, I’m a St Louis Blues fan and this was a great rivalry between the Blackhawks and Blues, when they came to St Louis fans would be fighting in the bathrooms!!! That was hockey at its finest

  9. Oh man, when “The Godfather theme” started playing in the arena as the carnage breaks up… classic.

  10. Stevens was always the big A Hole! How many players careers did he ruin!,,, He should have been kicked out of hockey many years before he retired! 😡

  11. Did they have anyone left to play after all of the penalties were dished out?

  12. Not a bad fight…but it isn't close to the Canadiens- Nordiques "celebrating" Good Friday.
    Vive les nordiques…just put another team in Atlanta…then wait…

  13. I’m a 62 year old Montrealer and I miss bench clearing brawls. We always figured it was part of the game lol. I played as a kid from 6 to 19 years old and we were allowed checking and hitting but not fighting. I could get quite rough. And you knew all the other players. The beast fighting teams of my (1970s) era as a fan were the Bruins ( Bean town Bullies) and The Flyers (Broad Street Bullies ) we lived and breathed hockey as kids and when we weren’t playing on our teams we were outside at the local rink every night supper. You could hear the sound of the pucks hitting the boards from your front door so you head over for a game of pick up. Good times.

  14. Ah yes, when men were men and not like the millionaire soy boys in today’s version of hockey

  15. Was this taped with the same camera they filmed the lunar landings with?

  16. I miss the old time hockey – St Louis v Pittsburgh in the 1970s – both benches cleared, every player on the ice (not in the locker rooms) tied up with opposition, most of them going. 30 minutes ongoing with no video to review. Total of 40 minutes before play resumed.

  17. Pat Foley was an absolute God. Transitioned from calling a hockey match to calling a boxing match seamlessly.

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