@Panthers de la Floride

Les Golden Knights marquent deux buts à 1:45 d’écart pour ouvrir le cinquième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley

Regardez Alec Martinez et Reilly Smith des Golden Knights de Vegas combiner pour marquer deux fois en 1:45 pour donner aux Knights une avance de trois buts sur les Panthers de Floria dans le cinquième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley.


  1. Vegas deserved to win this series. Absolutely dominant throughout. However, I can’t escape the nagging thought that the 10 day layoff Florida had between the ECF and the start of the SCF, completely halted any momentum they had.

  2. F–k Vegas !! They got everything handed to them as an expansion team. Gary Buttman has ruined the NHL. The only good thing about this is the Aholes in Boston must be quite upset.

  3. Where is that coward Buttchuck? Man up and take it. Nope, now my body hurts etc. Even that vagina Gudas is out there.

  4. FLA doesn`t stand a chance in the finals. Much like the Habs a couple of years ago, they are no match. VGK has been the better team in all 5 game so far.

  5. This just feels bad for Hockey in so many ways. Happy for Eichel and cup before McDavid. Especially Mark Stone as I think he's great. But yikes does it feel bad. Like where do you begin? Even this far down the road this cup still feels handed to them from how the expansion was handled by other teams. But like Florida have to go through Boston > Toronto > Canes to get to the cup and VGK really only had to go through an inconsistent Dallas. Basically Florida IMO won 3 cup series (Maybe 2.5 because Toronto) and VGK only the one which was against Florida themselves. Please don't even comment that they had to face Oilers because the Oilers are a joke and always will be with the contracts and depth they have. So many things not only with this, but NHL as a whole. Everyone keeps piping up "Salary cap increase" but I only see a further decline in the NHL from here on out. Too focused on CGI ads that ruin viewing the sport, protecting refs so they can blatantly match fix, either orchestrated by NHL themselves or the individual refs. NHL rules written in a way to always give a "refs opinion" out scenario for the ref. The fact you can break players necks while boarding and no punishment, or purposefully target a players star player and try and injure them and get what, 1 game? Maybe 2 max? So effing what? Thats like 4 days in NHL time. That's like 1.2 – 2.4% of the season for purposefully trying to injure someone. Or maximum 25 – 50% of a playoff series. Like fudge me man, other sports do 25 – 50% of the season in suspension for things like this. Like where do I look as a fan for good viewing? Its not the Cup because of how the bracket is. Its not the ice because a ref can just dictate how a game goes at will by missing calls or calling BS calls. Its not watching the game at home because of the CGI ads, and then all the betting ads shoved down your throat in the breaks. I could rant for ages on all the big and small issues, but just really have to say this feels like the tipping point of a big downward trajectory for the NHL as a whole.

    Love Ice Hockey, but someone fix the NHL.

  6. Sadly since the very 1st match I knew VGK are totally different kind of beast than Boston, Toronto haha or Carolina. Lil bit upset because of Johnny Vanbiesbrouck but Vegas definitely outclassed the Cats and that's saying something. Simply congrats Bruce on that cup. Deserved one

  7. The Golden knights will do it again next year. The Maple leafs in 50 years… Maybe.

  8. Probably not a result of the “mental freedom” that Maurice had envisioned.

  9. Bettman finally got his objective met for a Cup in Las Vegass which Washington throttled in 2018.

  10. What a travesty for the league. Most people will think they're reading a headline from the Onion when they see Vegas wins the cup. Awful officiating and players who shouldn't have even been playing if there weren't LTIR shenanigans.

  11. Big solid deep team no big big stars but a lot of really really good solid hockey players well coached that played hard and deserved it

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