@Sabres de Buffalo

« Jack Eichel est un cancer du vestiaire »

Faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui les chevaliers d’or de Vegas remportent la coupe stanley 2023 séries éliminatoires 2023 finale de la coupe stanley match 5 panthères de la floride contre vegas chevaliers d’or marque de réaction pierre jack eichel faits saillants de la coupe stanley finales de la nhl #nhl #coupe stanley #hockey #nhlplayoffs #highlights


  1. LOL, McJesus is not the savior Edmonton was hoping for so far. All Canadian players are horrible to interview, but crap man At least win a cup if you're going to be a boring conceited piece of sh!t. Eichel did so.

  2. This changes nothing! Even a jackass can get lucky and be traded to a team that was eventually going to win a Cup anyway. This guy couldn't get the Sabres to the playoffs once in 6 years!!! And then his first year in Vegas and it's their first time missing the playoffs. Guys like Stone and Marchessault aren't going to be denied forever. I don't care if Vegas wins the next 4 Cups—he's STILL a locker room cancer! Not all cancers are fatal, and that's the luck of Jack "Horseshoe" Eichel!

  3. Conn Smythe???? Give me a break! No goals since the freaking second round!!!!!

  4. Dude earned nothing! That team was winning the Cup in its first decade of existence whether that loser was on the team or not!

  5. The fact that he gets a Cup before McDavid is the greatest injustice in hockey since Piestany!

  6. Jack had the last laugh kudos to him Stanley cup champ and Mc David still looking for the cup

  7. I have to strongly disagree with Eichel being labeled locker room cancer honestly THIS IS NOT HIS FAULT. Their are multiple factors why eichel wanted out of buffalo and its clearly the front office's fault for FAILING TO BUILD AROUND EICHEL AFTER 2015 DRAFT at the time before the current new front office. first factor Eichel Clearly wants to win as a franchise player but the sabres org FAILED to properly build around him properly which led too frustration building up year after year of no playoff success, I mean the guy is human and frustration of no playoff success takes a toll on someone who wants to WIN. Factor 2 by the time they drafted properly it did not match the timeframe for eichel's prime years before they even started to get other corner stone players like Dahlin, Powers, and now Dylan cozens and other assets the question was does Eichel fit this new front office plans and the current long rebuild. Third factor and the final coup de grace was the absolute recklessness of the sabres front office on how they handled his neck surgery option was a complete joke and absolute disrespect to his not only his career but his health, the sabres org should have been more empathetic, understanding and willing to help out his serious condition then forcing his health matter. I MEAN THIS IS EICHEL'S NECK WE ARE TALKING ABOUT NOT THE SABRES….THE MAN COULD HAVE HAD HIS CAREER ENDED RIGHT THEIR HAD HE STAYED WITH SABRES ORG HAD THIS MATTER DRAGGED ON TOO LONG. I'm happy Eichel getting the success he needed after years of frustration of no playoff success and risk to his health that COULD HAVE ENDED HIM. CONGRATS VEGAS from a hawks fan

  8. Just look at how much better the Sabres have been doing since he left. He brought that locker room down. His teammates even hinted at it. They actually look like they're having fun playing now. People who don't live in Buffalo don't see it like we do

  9. I can tell you right now,

    Locker room environment is what turns players into the cancers…

    The best thing for Eichel was to get out of Buffalo,
    Was he a LR cancer? Yes, But the Sabres organization created that tumor.

    The best thing for Buffalo was for Pegula to see his front office was a joke and clean house..
    The front office has been a joke since the Briere Drury screwup that costs the team both players then Miller. Then Vanek

  10. Proper, the hilarity of calling someone a 'whiner' when the team that didn't want him to get a surgery that would allow him to continue his career (and win a cup at that) Imagine your employer telling you you can't get certification or credits to continuing your career? Did he whine? Yes, but, does no one whine at work when they are employed by a company that is a failure? BUFF was that. Apparently, your neck is somewhat important to functioning, not only as a human, but as a hockey player. I am happy for him, the entire roster was injured the year they didn't make it… and it was always blamed on him… the 'It's a team game' people were on 1 player…1 player. I love it.

  11. Buffalo was not good to Jack. They wanted McDavid and didn't appreciate him. They chased him out and made a mess over his surgery. The media painted him in a shitty light. Well, he got the last laugh. Atta boy.

  12. McDavid had same draft situation like Bedard now – Bettman just send them to the biggest of those markets

  13. Eichel was an absolute beauty to watch this post-season. Every time he had the puck he looked buttery smooth and so relaxed, and was a huge playmaker for his team.

  14. He has always been in the shadow of McDavid. I think this is gonna light a fire in McDavid if the oilers don't get to this spot within a few years. McDavid is gone from Edmonton…

  15. Buffalo never did Jack any favour, and now they're pulling a 'Islanders vs Tavares' and they're just butt hurt

  16. Bro said ‘this wasn’t like Kessel’ like they didn’t rob Kessel’s playoffs MVp in 2015

  17. Eichel is going to retire as part of VGKs roster. The entire city is behind him, and the only thing that matters now, is that he has a team who believes in him, and a fanbase that supports him because VGK players, especially the misfits line, knows how it feels to be abandoned by your team. Eichel deserved every second of the playoffs, and vegas loves him.

  18. I'm a Sabres fan and I'm happy for him. I think Buffalo didn't treat him the right way. Watching him play in Buffalo made me appreciate his skill and also his hard work. Many games playing for Buffalo it looked like Eichel was alone out there. With saying all that I think trading him helped elevate Tage Thomson's game and also made Dahlin step up to be that guy we expected him to be. I think in the end this was a trade that both team needed. Vegas gets a cup and Buffalo well hopefully they battle for one soon.

  19. Don't worry. We'll be watching Auston Matthews lifting the cup somewhere other than Toronto before long. It's all a matter of time.

  20. As a cats fan, congrats to Vegas number 9 and all Las Vegas fans. I hope they enjoy a once in a time opportunity like this.

  21. Congrats to Phil Kessel on his third Stanley Cup since leaving the Leafs. Like most players who get out, life is great.

  22. Everyone was hating on this kid back when he was first traded… Hilarious how many hypocrites there are😂

  23. IMO, one of the best Jack Eichel moments in these playoffs was when he stripped the puck from McDavid and in one motion turned and sent a 190' shot dead center into the open net to seal the round two game one victory for the VGK.

  24. 0:50 Buffalo was so bad the first few years they had Eichel because their team sucked. That's not his fault. He averaged over a point per game for his entire time there, outside of his rookie season and his injury ridden final season. To blame him for them sucking just shows how delusion NHL haters are. Thought you were better than that Johnny

  25. dude has learned a lot and changed his whole game ! imagine he gets back to being a scoring machine. sheesh he’s gonna be a problem!

  26. What was that? You're extremely happy to see him (Echel) lift the cup??? Did you hear that Buffalo?? I can repeat it if you didn't . …😊

  27. Echel has been a favorite of mine along time, he deserved to lift it; glad he's here 😊👍

  28. Its a team game. Eichel not even the best player on it. Some teams never learn that.

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