@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Avec les rumeurs de Babcock en route, est-il encore possible que Roy soit notre prochain entraîneur ?

Avec les rumeurs de Babcock en route, est-il encore possible que Roy soit notre prochain entraîneur ?



  1. Subject-Ear-6881

    Total speculation, but what if Roy is coming to join Babcock’s coaching staff? 😬😬😬

  2. Articmnokey

    I’ve only heard Roy to the Sens. I think Babcock is coach in every way but name right now

  3. EverlastingEvening

    A couple more weeks and we will know. Still can’t believe we are hiring asshat dinosaur Babcock.

  4. AntawnSL

    I would assume Roy would want to hire his own goalie coach…

  5. ThunderousDemon86

    Apparently he said before the season he was gonna step down afterwards to spend more time with family.

  6. Elexeh

    People seemed hyped for Roy like some dark horse candidate. I don’t think he ever had a shot. Dude left Colorado pretty disgracefully and is a known loose cannon. I can’t imagine Jarmo or JD wanting to put up with that even if he has a decent hockey pedigree.

  7. readingramb

    If we were going to hire Roy we would have already done so

  8. Kenjataimuz

    Roy was just asked if NHL teams were talking to him about coaching and his response was very blunt and he said « no, no one, zero interest at all from any teams. »

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