@Kraken de Seattle

Les dirigeants de Seattle choisissent les développeurs de Climate Pledge Arena pour démolir et reconstruire le Memorial Stadium

Les dirigeants de Seattle choisissent les développeurs de Climate Pledge Arena pour démolir et reconstruire le Memorial Stadium



  1. piltdownman7

    I’m still confused by the need for a 10k stadium, but happy OVG will be the operator.

  2. twanzetters

    A 25,000-30,000 grass field as a permanent home for the Sounders would be amazing here.

  3. mrbeavertonbeaverton

    New home for the Reign please!!

  4. seattlesportsguy

    It would be a great location for the Sea Dragons should the XFL continue to operate

  5. kanjiklubbin

    Should be a good option for the Seawolves too.

  6. DerDutchman1350

    Outdoor game for the T-Birds / Coachella would be cool.

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