@Blackhawks de Chicago

NHL Stadium Series 14 : Penguins de Pittsburgh @ Blackhawks de Chicago

Faits saillants du jeu complet.


  1. Seriously as a hockey player I can't think of a more perfect game to get to play (Stanley cup finals excluded). SoldierField in the snow with such a huge crowd..amazing..lucky players ill say. Iconic game

  2. I was blessed to be there that night and boy will I never forget it. I loved every bit of it and would go again in heartbeat if hosted in Chicago again. 2014-15 season here come. LETS GO HAWKS! Bring home the cup

  3. everyone on the roster with the exception of toews and kane are bunch of tools. keith, sharp, crawford, saad, seabrook, shaw, hossa, and carcillo…bunch of tools.

    kane's the boy though

  4. This was the first NHL game I ever watched. Now I'm a HUGE Bolts and Hawks fan. Go Bolts and Go Hawks!

  5. Pittsburgh got destroyed. This is one of those games that you can call separating the boys from the men.

  6. You almost think the game was at the United Center by the way how the Blackhawks brought the music they play when they score at home

  7. First head to head matchup between Crosby and Toews. It was all Jonathan this game. A preview of things to come.

  8. Its too bad these teams never met in a final during the 2010’s a series between the two of them would have been epic

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