@Jets de Winnipeg

Elliotte Friedman sur 32 pensées: Dit que Kings a fait une vraie poussée pour Dubois et s’est penché très fort pour lui. Faire savoir à Winnipeg que nous sommes présents et que nous voulons que cela fonctionne. marque 32 minutes




  1. arkayuu

    I think you meant 22 minute mark. 😉

  2. Pandamodium13

    I’d be happy with Byfield + Durzi as a return. If not Byfield maybe swap him out with Vilardi and add a pick or lesser prospect.

  3. wuskream

    A center piece that isn’t Byfield or Clarke or Vilardi would suck. (assuming they don’t move their core guys)

  4. GZeus24

    Bowness and Lowry would do wonders for Byfield. He could be PLD level player within 2 seasons with the right attention.

  5. Tinywampa

    I’d want either a roster player or a B prospect, with a first rounder. We can send out that first with one of Helly/Scheif/Wheels to increase return on their trades.

  6. Hockey_socks

    Yeah man. Start and end with Byfield. If he’s not on the table, sorry LA.

  7. Limp-Might7181

    Not getting any hopes

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