@Canadiens de Montréal

Alex Belzile serait à la recherche d’un contrat à un volet pour deux saisons, un peu comme Michael Pezzetta. Si vous êtes Kent Hughes, lui donnez-vous ?

Alex Belzile serait à la recherche d’un contrat à un volet pour deux saisons, un peu comme Michael Pezzetta. Si vous êtes Kent Hughes, lui donnez-vous ?



  1. FuckOffPeo

    Oui. Ce dude est un leader et je crois que son niveau de motivation est au plus haut. Un bel exemple pour nos jeunes.

    J’ai travaillé pour le Rocket pendant plusieurs saisons et j’ai vu comment il se comportait dans la chambre. Belz, c’est un vrai!

  2. flepine44

    Sure. Deserved his spot on the 4th. Give him the same contract as Pezz and put him on waivers if it doesn’t work, we are not that cap-restrained.

  3. MessageBoard

    I don’t think I’d give any over-30 AHL journeyman a two year deal. He has filled in admirably on all-time bad teams, but he doesn’t have a spot on a healthy NHL team. It reminds me of when Darche was looking for a deal after giving his all for the team.

    If he were breaking out in his mid 20s you might think he’s a late bloomer like Hoffman. I’d give him a one year deal for the work he’s put in for Laval.

  4. dadoudelidou

    Je lui donnerais le 2 ans pour une bonne raison.

    Quand nous devrons le soumettre au ballotage si tout le monde est en santé, les équipes y penseront à deux fois pour le réclamer, un peu la même tactique que nous avions pris avec Pitlick l’an passé.

    Belzile mérite amplement un contract avec le CH, en plus si je me trompe pas, il peut même jouer au centre, ce qui en fait un atout de profondeur si PLD/Monahan ne signe pas.

  5. Yes. Let him have the one way, waive him for Laval. He probably clears and earns better money. He’s been an asset there and deserves it.

  6. DelugeQc

    2 saisons? Oui parce que dans 2 ans, le club sera probablement plus près d’être contender. On verra rendu là si il est toujours un bon  »fit » mais pour l’instant, c’est un no-brainer selon moi.

  7. eriverside

    If you let Gurianov walk, Belzile should walk too. At least Guri is young enough to be part of a the future, can handle more than 4th line assignments and still has a lot to prove.

    Bezile is too old to be part of the rebuild. Move on and let someone younger earn their spot.

  8. simonlegosu

    Good character/culture guy to have around. I say yes.

  9. If you need 2-3 30 yrs old dudes on your team to set a cultural tone, be work ethic examples and keep things positive, Belzile is sort of the perfect fit. Very low cap hit for the 4th line, will always give 100%, can be used on the PK if necessary.

    Also always a plus to have a guy who worked his way up from the ECHL and can act as a proof of concept that hard work pays off and is rewarded by the org.

    Having that frees yourself up from latching on pricier vets that would only be around to do the same job.

  10. JourneyToArcana

    Oui. 2 ans, 900k, et on le soumet au ballotage. C’est le capitaine du Rocket, il mérite de se faire payer.

  11. xavier198456

    Oui. Il a prouvé l’année dernière qu’il pouvait jouer et contribuer dans la ligue nationale.

  12. rawboudin

    Him and JA had the same ppg last year. Isn’t that a weird stat line!

  13. Vingt-Quatre

    Nan. On va pas commencer à donner des contrats one-way à tous les joueurs qui ont compté 3 buts la saison dernière, quand même…

  14. confidenceisKi

    He was a bright spot last year, the guy is sneaky skilled, scored some beauty goals last year. Great bottom 6 depth piece.

  15. WintertimeLivingEasy

    depending on who we draft, and if PLD comes, there’s probably no room for him in montreal

  16. unbjames

    The guy who never gave up. Respect .

  17. CorporateGamer

    For me personally, yeah I would. He showed heart and played hard in all of his games. He is a serviceable 4th liner with a potential to replace on 3rd.

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