@Stars de Dallas

Ajoutez cette beauté à la collection hier ! MiC Prime Vert Blackout Seguin

Honnêtement, plus j’en reçois, plus je les aime! Les Stars les ont portés les 3 ans requis mais je les vois bien les continuer la saison prochaine !



  1. glenvillequint

    When is r/hockeyjerseys coming back?

  2. relient917

    I love these jerseys except the black strip between the 2 green ones. Looks like a tow truck driver.

  3. GastonLeGume

    Where’d you find the MiC version?

  4. _Who_Knows

    Where’d you get the MiC blackout?

    I just got my first MiC home jersey this year and love it

  5. Actual_Worldliness62

    Did you find at Warehouse sale at AAC?

  6. SaskStarsFan96

    I got this from a friend who has access to some MiCs, for everyone who is wondering!

  7. lusirfer702

    Vegas fan here but I saw a few people wearing this color in game 1 at Vegas and this is a beautiful color way, probably my favorite jersey out there.

  8. TheVBush

    This might be a top 5 jersey/color scheme of all time.

  9. Ok_Independence8524

    IMO best looking jersey. I’d pick one up but I’m sure these aren’t on the cheap.

  10. Vetersova

    It’s genuinely infuriating that I can’t go to the in person sales :/

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