@Canucks de Vancouver

Elliotte Friedman sur les Canucks rachetant OEL, quelle est la prochaine étape et si Vegas peut répéter

Hockey Night in Canada L’initiée Elliotte Friedman s’est jointe aux gars pour discuter du rachat d’OEL par les Canucks vendredi et de ce qu’ils prévoient de faire avec les économies sur le plafond.


  1. Vegas doesn't exactly do things "one step at a time". They haven't built through the draft. They're impatient. I remember when it was said that ejecting players to shoehorn in big contracts was going to catch up with them, or already had, see last season. So much for the conventional wisdom. I even remember people saying that too much tinkering had destroyed the team's unique culture…

  2. I dont feel bad for oel, if he wanted to stay he should have played up to his dam potential.

    That being said, use the money to get schenn back, a 3rd line center and your done. Myers is up next year or you can pay him his singing bonus and move him since he will only have 1 mil cap hit to other teams

  3. People saying buying out Myers don't understand that even though his cap hit is $6M, the actual salary is $1M, so the buyout won't actually free up much cap space…

  4. No more wingers we got too many as it is Watch OEL is going to burn us next year canuck luck

  5. Alternatively, maybe don't sign a zero time All-Star (Myers) to a contract that will be buyout-proof when he's 33 and has one season left.

  6. It is unfortunate that OEL's tenure here is all about his contract – the talk probably didn't make things any easier for a player who is on the decline. I would not be surprised if a change in scenery will help him become a serviceable D man for another team. As for the cap saved from buying him out, I am just not holding the breath that this management is capable of utilizing it wisely – if I were to bet, I would say they would end up signing another declining winger to a disabling contract.

  7. Pretty scary it took so long for the Canucks management to realize that keeping OEL wasn’t a good idea.

  8. Buyouts suck, player doesn’t live up to expectations and you stuck with it, contracts should be no longer than 6 years

  9. still think the canucks should have fought the Luongo buyout penalty , fight in the courts if need be

  10. If the Canucks didn't buy out OEL, then they would either need to ship a good contract away for free, or give away a bad contract with a draft pick, and it's insanity to just run it back with the same team due to no cap space if the team sucked last season.

  11. fridmeen is dumb oel will be better off why wasnt he better off when he got traded from arizona u said the same shit then.

  12. I think we ought to give this new Management Team a chance. Let's see what they do with the money before we throw them under the bus.

  13. Moving Myers right now, with Bears injury would be downright stupid. How do you replace his minutes? And if you look to free agency, you are in to a long term deal, that has a strong likelihood of being an overpayment. Keep him and if we falter towards TDL, he will highly coveted. This gives another year of development for Woo, who after last year i still think has a chance of being an nhl dman.

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