@Red Wings de Détroit

Proposition d’échange DeBrincat d’ESPN Article aujourd’hui

Proposition d’échange DeBrincat d’ESPN Article aujourd’hui



  1. ayoitsmondo

    Seems like a stark overpayment to me for an RFA that doesn’t even want to be in Ottawa.

  2. CD23tol

    Swap Mazur with Zadina to clear a roster space and send it

    I can live with “only” 9th, 2-2nds and ADB

    Just don’t see how we include Mazur dude has lived and breathed Red Wings since he was a kid

    Edit: with that said I’m more than willing to give up a similar prospect just hard to see us giving up a kid Draper coached at one point

  3. dontcaredontcaer

    That’s a bit too steep of a price. If that would be the trade Cat better be signed to an extension before the trade is finalized.

  4. Upbeat_Balance2375

    Probably won’t be a popular opinion here, but I would make this trade under the condition DeBrincat signs long-term.

    Proven goal scorers in their prime don’t come around often and it’s the Red Wings most glaring weakness.

  5. TurdFerguson_PhD

    Close. If Ottawa had more leverage here I’d make this deal, but DeBrincat wants out and Steve knows that.

  6. If it’s a sign-and-trade let’s do it. If it’s not I think we’re looking at a different set of draft picks. I’m fine with giving up Mazur, but would ideally want to give up someone like Zadina or Kubalik instead. But if Ottawa is dead set on getting a young prospect, let’s just rip the band-aid and get the goal scorer we so sorely need. Making actual hockey trades is kinda like making love. Gotta give some to get some.

  7. SevenStringGod

    I think a lot of the leverage is going to come from what other teams are willing to pay (saw earlier this morning that there may be more teams in the mix than the 5-6 on Cat’s list). If that’s the case, then this will probably be pretty similar to what we’d have to give up to make it happen. If we have to compete I’d also be fine throwing in another second, since they’re high second picks.

    That being said, Mazur isn’t someone I’d give up right now. Zadina, Kubalik, or Fabbri would be my first preferences, followed by Soderblom or Berggren if they want a younger roster player (although that would mean I’d prefer to defer to Boston’s first next year instead).

    Edit to add: I’m assuming this would be a sign and trade. If not, then this is an overpay.

  8. JeremyEMT

    Yikes. And people downvote my trade proposal…

  9. abassassasssin

    Really think mazur is one of the prospects we wanna keep

  10. Halostar

    Not only do I not want to get rid of Mazur, but I don’t think Ottawa wants only prospects in this deal. Mazur doesn’t feel like who they would ask for. Others that have said Kubalik, Zadina, or Berggren are more in line. I also would not want to get rid of this year’s first rounder AND a second rounder. Maybe next year’s first from BOS or two of this year’s second rounders. OR Zadina+17oa.

  11. Ecstatic-Arachnid-91

    Way too much for DeBrincat. Mazur I think may not be elite but he’s going to be really good. DeBrincat will be the type of guy who maybe finishes his contract out, no deal on that. I don’t see Stevie Y going for something like that either

  12. barchamb13

    Sign and trade and I’d do it.

  13. Mcenaj

    I think it’s an over payment. It’s essentially what he was traded for last year, with one less year of team cost control. Last year was coming off a 41 goal campaign, this year 27 goal campaign. I’m ok with any off the particular assets just not all 3. Pick 17, 40 in a stacked draft plus a top 5 Red Wing prospect is more then I’d be willing to pay.

    Edit…. Particularly think it’s an over pay since Debrincat has said he would only extend with Detroit or Dallas. Dallas has no first, no 3rd in this years and no 4th next year. Picks will be a premium for them.

  14. mansamayo

    Overpayment and a half, no way Stevie does this deal

  15. Ph1llyth3gr8

    Damnit I thought they had made the deal

  16. SpiritBamba

    Absolutely horrendous trade that we shouldn’t touch with a 10 ft pole

  17. MajorasShoe

    For an expiring RFA that wants out of Ottawa, has a preference for Detroit, and a list full of teams that can’t afford him? lol no.

    Kubalik and 17OA, or Zadina, 17OA and a second.

  18. jfcmfer

    Thought this was an actual trade in the works, not just some off-season ESPN fluff to churn out content.

  19. franstars

    I don’t think Mazur will be moved for ADB. He’d be a trade piece in discussion if we got Keller, but not for ADB. 17 + Zadina + a 2nd is probably fair. I think Mazur will be playing middle 6 in the wheel before the season is done once injuries happen.

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