@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les tentatives constantes de compression du genou de notre équipe par les médias sont épuisantes

Aucune autre franchise n’a à faire face aux BS que nous faisons en ce qui concerne la couverture de notre équipe. Aujourd’hui, Dom Luszczyszyn de The Athletic [published an article](https://theathletic.com/4625644/2023/06/21/auston-matthews-contract/?source=twitterhq) préconisant essentiellement que Matthews baise les Leafs en acceptant des offres courtes et maximales. Ceci quelques jours après que Travis Yost et Adam Wylde aient dit fondamentalement la même chose sur Twitter. Maintenant, corrigez-moi si je me trompe, mais ce type de défense des joueurs professionnels était inexistant sur d’autres marchés où les meilleurs joueurs devaient prolonger leur contrat. Mackinnon au Colorado, Pastrnak à Boston, McDavid à Edmonton, aucun écrivain de beat ou tête parlante ne s’est levé pour dire « en fait, ce serait bien et intelligent de la part du meilleur joueur de l’équipe de contrer la tendance à signer des accords à durée maximale en faveur de essorant chaque dernier dollar qu’il pouvait. » Maintenant, écoutez, je suis un joueur pro. L’un de mes plus gros reproches avec le plafond salarial est qu’il maintient le salaire des joueurs artificiellement bas. Cependant, je suis d’abord un fan de l’équipe des Leafs, et il est sans aucun doute vrai que Matthews signant un contrat de 8 ans (pour ce qui serait encore une énorme somme d’argent) aiderait les Leafs, nous donnant la certitude de qui sera notre # 1C être au cours de la prochaine décennie. Pourquoi tant de personnes sur ce marché travaillent-elles aussi dur que possible pour empêcher les Leafs de faire ce que toutes les autres franchises avec un type de joueur similaire ont pu faire, c’est-à-dire signer un contrat à long terme avec un joueur de haut niveau ? Bien sûr, il s’agit en grande partie d’absurdités, mais cela ne signifie pas que cela n’a pas d’impact sur les négociations ou la valeur perçue. Être génial à Toronto est différent d’être génial à Columbus ou à Anaheim ou ailleurs. C’est aussi un style unique de clickbait qui n’arrive même pas aux autres grandes équipes du marché dans d’autres sports. Un écrivain, un expert ou un analyste des Patriots, des Cowboys, des Lakers, des Celtics, des Yankees, des Dodgers, etc. a-t-il fait ce genre d’analyse au nom des joueurs quand est venu le temps pour eux de renouveler leurs étoiles ? J’en doute fortement, mais n’hésitez pas à me prouver le contraire avec toute preuve d’un membre des médias sur ces marchés disant que le joueur qui re-signe devrait essayer de bousiller son équipe autant que possible. Regardez à la fin de la journée, la LNH est un monde à plafond dur, et partout ailleurs, les joueurs sont encouragés à en prendre un peu moins pour aider leur équipe à surmonter la bosse, et les stars sont censées signer des accords à durée maximale quand il est temps pour partout dans la LNH, c’est vrai, sauf à Toronto, où les médias feront tout leur possible et tenteront de voir le pire résultat possible pour le manifeste de la franchise.



  1. JRocleafs

    What are you talking about?

    The NHL is such a small fry compared to the NBA, MLB, NFL, hell even college sports. Do you follow other sports? The amount of coverage and articles like this are rampant.

  2. UrWifesSoftPecker

    Remember when Kypreos was advocating for Mitch Marner to be given an identical contract to the one Matthew’s had signed?

    Pepperidge Farms remembers.

  3. backthashitoff

    Let me ask you something.

    Say you’re a contractor and your contract is ending, and your boss says “hey, we want to renew you for 3 years. But we had a bad sales period so we can only give you $50,000 a year. But, we have a new product launching next year that we know is going to give us more capital and a bigger budget, so we could probably give you closer to $85,000 after this year.”

    Would you take the $50k for 3 years to show your commitment to your boss? Or wait and collect the extra $70,000 over the other two years?

    Because if the answer is well, he’s going to make more than 10x that, the argument is dead to me because I don’t think anyone has a right to tell people how much money they should make.

    And I say that as someone who wants his ass to sign for the full 8 years so I can sleep better at night. But it’s not my money

  4. Saknaks

    I think it’s their hope this leads to breaking the cap. I’m pretty sure Adam wylde and probably alan walsh by extension, talk about how NBA players do short term huge money deals with options to stay but often turn them down to look for a new max and they want to see that in hockey. If teams and players just start doing it and it leads to tons of shitty teams paying 4 or 5 guys with the rest of the roster being league min ahlers, and especially all the top talent is on bad teams the league will have to change to fix it.

    I think some of it might be trying to prepare the Toronto fan base. All the reports have said matthews isn’t doing long term so the reporters are just throwing out this is why no star should be doing max term deals.

  5. BackTo1975

    I’m Matthews, I sign long term. It’s way too much of a risk to take short deals. He gets hurt, the wrists completely go, whatever, and his value plummets. He may leave a few bucks on the table by taking a max length deal but the security of that length is worth that sacrifice IMO.

  6. burkeocet

    They’re just calling it as we all see it. This group is a joke and is rightfully the laughing stock of the league. This team is built around greedy, selfish losers who haven’t ever once rose to any occasion, ever as athletes. I like seeing the media stick it to these guys who don’t deserve to play here.

    Watching the core 4 fleece Dubas and continue to screw this team because of their greed is infuriating, especially in a league where most young guys willingly signed 8×8 off their entry levels. There’s so many better players and yet we’re gonna be stuck paying Marner 12m+ and Matthews 14+.

    If these guys want to show us they don’t hate losing, Matthews will sign a 11m x 8 and Marner Will sign a 9m x 8. Nylander at 8m x 8. That’s the only way I’ll take this group seriously.

  7. terminese

    If Matthews asks for a short contract at more than 13.0 million, it truly shows that he gives 0 fucks about winning and only cares about the dollars.

  8. NopeItsDolan

    Yes please. I want to see the players making as much as possible.
    I really think we should abandon the concept of cheering for a team and instead follow individual players around when they sign their contracts. /s

  9. lsaran

    I’m in the camp that a max term deal may not age well. There’s a risk of not being able to retain Matthews after a short deal. However there’s also the risk that we pay a guy $13M for ~10th in goals ~20th in scoring type production. There are no sure bets.

    It would be nice to see Matthews bet on himself again after this season. I personally think he’s going to sign a long term deal and reset the market.


    You know though that these people only have these jobs and write these articles because so many people read them right. It’s like getting mad at the paparazzi and then buying the trashy magazines there photos are in. Supply and demand. You read the article and therefore support the cause. Im not calling you out here as we all do it. Just noting they aren’t fully to blame. Anyone who constantly reads them burdens the responsibility as well

  11. Due_Entertainment_44

    It’s a double-edged sword. The Leafs get the most attention of any NHL team, both positive and negative.

  12. Clive_Stillman

    Toronto fans are constantly being gaslighted by other fanbases and their own media.

  13. howsshegoin

    $15.34 over 3 years would be landscape altering like Dom says and would signify that the Leafs are willing to once again completely shift the paradigm in terms of what star players are capable of earning. the .34 is a nice touch.

    it’s sad because there’s no doubt that dubas would have been fully on board with awarding a marquee contract like this that changes the game for the better. with treliving, it’s a complete unknown.

  14. jerrybettman

    If you think the players are getting the idea to do this from the media, I don’t know what to tell you. Owners should be happy if a player will take a five year deal, even if it’s at the top of the market. Outside of Crosby, McDavid, and Ovechkin, find an eight year deal that has aged well for the team. I’ll wait. I won’t mention Tavares as an example of why longer contracts rarely work.

    And people need to stop focusing on the raw dollars, and who makes more than a guy that signed three, four, or five years ago. The number that matters is the percentage of the cap, not the number of dollars.

    Crosby didn’t “take less” to help the team. He took 14.5% of the cap at the time of signing. McDavid was about 15.6% iirc. The CBA allows 20% to go to one player. No one has come close, no matter how greedy you think the players are.

    If Matthews takes another five years at 14 or so, it’s not going to ruin anything. If the cap is 100M in four or five years, he can cash in again, and the team can certainly afford him if they deem him still worth it. Is there a certain security to signing for eight instead of four or five? Sure. But it’s not like he will starve if there isn’t a next contract in five years for whatever reason.

  15. Swa9Dra9on

    Our media sucks, and nothing will change because this fanbase has an obsession with pretending they’re victims. They eat this shit up.

  16. SnooHesitations1965

    Media, league, dops, refs…yup

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