@Blues de Saint-Louis

Vidéo d’introduction des St.Louis Blues 2008-’09

Vidéo diffusée avant tous les matchs à domicile des Blues durant la saison 2008-2009


  1. @SetsunaTheAngel Wings have more cups than us but we still kick your ass in all the fights thats what matters bitch

  2. @chanksta11

    Sure,Whatever helps you sleep at night….

    Here's something to Keep you up.

    OUR Backup (Osgood) scored a goal against the Whalers. YOUR Starter (Halak) Scored on himself. Also…. Look up the Brawl from '03 and tell me which team was on a roll and what team acted like whiny Bitches….

  3. @blueshockey41

    I Came to this Video because The Intro is kinda awesome. It's not my fault a lot of the posters are typical Internet Tough Guys…. How did you Like Nick's Hat Trick By The Way?????

  4. @blueshockey41

    Given That he's got SIX Norris trophies and that's his First Career Hat Trick…. I'd give it to him. I See Your point Though.

  5. @ajd1211

    Cool. How many Cups? Jenning Trophies? Isn't he being outplayed by his Back-up from last year? Does he lead the NHL in Wins?

  6. @SetsunaTheAngel We started the season being the hottest team in NHL, then our best players got hurt. But if you've noticed, we've won more games the last month than we've lost. Plus, we have one of the best goalies in the NHL. On the 20th against your Deadwings, we'll let the final score speak for itself.

  7. @georgeflanigan

    and yet even with the wings in a slump your Blues are 8 points back. and we've taken 2 of three thus far (7-3,5-2). So We'll see.

  8. @SetsunaTheAngel how bout that 10-3 lost your deadwings took. on top of that it was in so called "Hockeytown" hockeytown my ass if that happens there…and sad thing is we didnt make the playoffs which means you gave up 10 goals in one game to a team that didnt make the playoffs..so what we didnt make the playoffs that loss was just flat out embarrassing…dont even say you didnt have your good goalie…its still a loss that remains on the NHL stats sheet FOREVER

  9. @adventure8998

    You know what else stays on the books? All of our cups.!

    Besides… we Just snapped a six game losing streak,a horrible slump…. and we're still ahead of you in the standings!

  10. @SetsunaTheAngel 0-6 on the powerplay and one of them was for five minutes…..your whole team is under achieving…BIGTIME.

  11. @adventure8998

    Wow… Your Blues squeak a 2-1 win and you get cocky…. Anyways,It's pretty sad when the wings are struggling and STILL stay above St. Louis in the standings!


  13. @adventure8998

    It's only November…. When was the last time they reached the playoffs? 2009,getting swept by the Canucks?
    Last time they WON a Playoff series? They made it to the Semi-Finals only to be beaten by…. THE RED WINGS! Come talk that shit when March rolls around…. Bet you won't.

  14. @SetsunaTheAngel oh…it's only november..ur rite there..but if your going to talk about things that happened in the past..then u can keep focusing on that….while i will be focusing on now and how the blues are rolling under the new coach…we have a good system going..both our goalies have the lowest gga in this month, and we're clicking…u can talk about ur history and how ur better than us by history, but RIGHT NOW, WE'RE THE BETTER TEAM.

  15. @adventure8998

    Oh Yes… Hitchcock…. He Coached the Blue Jackets into the playoffs in '09. How did that end? as for St. Louis being better right now? They've played one more game than us and have the same number of wins. You might want to hold that argument for now… Hell,last night Your Blues dropped in the shootout vs. Minny. My Wings beat up on the (Division leading) Kings.

  16. @SetsunaTheAngel we still are one point up you..still higher..and under the new coach we've only given up 1 5-5 goal in the 6 games he's coached, and that one was against u..congratulations…but yet u still focus on the past with the team he took to the playoffs. in those 6 were 4-0-2 w/ 10 points & ur guys r 4-2-0 w/8 points..who did better? last night we may have lost..but at the end of the day we still have more points. oh btw it wasnt our division leader..and you couldnt beat minny either.

  17. @adventure8998

    The Blues are one point ahead… for now. Let's talk tomorrow. and yes,I Focus on the past because the Wings have a rich history. Hell,Two of your veteran Blues left St. Louis to win the cup! Our History trumps your history even if we go from 1967 on.

  18. @SetsunaTheAngel could u reword the 2 veterans statement again..it doesnt make any sense..if they left i don't think they would currently be on our roster..im assuming u mean past because u seem to be very focused in on it….

  19. @adventure8998 Two Long-Time Blues (Hull and Drake) left St. Louis and won the Cup with Detroit…. as for the present? The Wings and Blues have each played 19 games,Detroit has one more point. You were saying???

    The Blues have to play their asses off to keep up with the slumping Wings… and they don't get any respect until they make noise in the post-season.

  20. @SetsunaTheAngel i"ll name another one for u shanahan..but he said his best times were in st.louis but what happened last game we didnt completely out work u and we still beat u guys…in the future u may beat us whether regular season or playoffs..we dont know yet…who are u referring to getting noise in the post season..my blues or ur wings..probably ur wings..were cursed since we fired scotty bowman back early in the franchise. he took us to two or three..cant remember if he was still around

  21. @adventure8998

    Bowman took the Blues to three consecutive. You're right about Shanny… I Always remember him coming in from Hartford. as For noise in the playoffs? I'm Talking about the lack of it from St. Louis…. The last time they made it to the second round will be 10 years this season.

  22. @SetsunaTheAngel we're cursed because a young scotty bowman in his prime was fired..and he goes on to win idk how many cups..any1 here in stl will tell u that..basically were the chicago cubs of the hockey world..loveable losers.yeah yeah..but no one has a longer playoff streak than us..we made the playoffs for 24 years straight..then our owners bailed on us..since then we had to rebuild..our current owners said they never would have gotten rid of pronger. were coming round this year tho

  23. @adventure8998

    The Blues went to the Playoffs 24 straight years… No Cups

    DETROIT has made the playoffs the last 20,and has 4 cups to show for it.

    I Hope you guys rebuild and make it to the playoffs,and I Hope we meet up too! Every time St. Louis and Detroit meet up it's an epic series!

  24. @SetsunaTheAngel to be honest..when we made the conference finals in 2001 against the avalanche, i wanted the avalanche to win..they had bourque & he needed that cup..plus that monday night miracle against calgary was special..but thats the closest ive ever been..if we meet up in the playoffs…its gonna be a tough series..idk who will have advantage..some will say the team with more experience will win, i dont believe experience plays a factor in playoffs bcuz each playoff is a different battle

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