@Devils du New Jersey

La LNH a un problème

La LNH a un problème



  1. MatthewWickerbasket

    I appreciate a consistent and absolute ruling from the league, that’s not something we get often from them. But this is dumb and horrible optics to be done at the bottom of pride month.

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t novelty warm-up jerseys a source of income for the league? Are they really so afraid of social media backlash to rainbow jerseys that they’d 86 a marketing staple entirely? They’re losing military jerseys as well.

    No winners here except for teenagers in Instagram comments clawing for an identity.

  2. IncreaseInVerbosity

    So, what happens if a team wears warm up jerseys anyway?

  3. Allie-uwu

    i guess hockey isnt for everyone

  4. Devils29

    Just put it on the main board and I’ll put it here too. I’m sure people won’t understand my point.

    Pure business decision. Just like every other company out there who “celebrates” pride. Check their Middle East accounts and I assure you they do not celebrate it there. No company actually gives a shit about any social issue and it amazes me how few people realize that. NHL saw what happened to bud light and decided it’s best not to alienate a group of viewers over this. End of the day it’s not like 50/50 where this is such a massive issue. It’s like 5/90/5 where 5% are super for this stuff, 5% are super against this stuff and 90% honestly just don’t give a shit about these types of events regardless. If there was money to be made here the event would continue, but there isn’t. It’s simple as that. No company cares about social issues

  5. Urmomletmerubher

    Do it anyway. Do it the fuck anyway. Someone please have the balls to do it anyway.

    Googoo gaga baby-shit this is.

  6. ghostwalken1776

    Remember…the one’s that sound that loudest predominantly don’t speak for the majority..however, this was the leagues only option after the negative news…if there’s gonna be a problem for some, then remove the potential problem for everyone..it’s like mass punishment, something I remember very clearly from the military..some dumbass gets a DUI, everyone gets an alcohol course…mass punishment is dumb, it’s 2023, there’s bigger shit to worry about than fucking warm-up jerseys..and I’ll be honest, it’s just plain disappointing how much of a deal this became…bench the player, dock their pay, move on…nope, had to make a mountain outta a mole hill and now it’s burning like the hindenburg. And honestly I’m gonna miss them, for 2 reasons..1) those were fucking incredible designs(mostly), and 2) ironically the discussion they caused..unfortunately that discussion was mostly bombastic yelling

    Edit: for clarification I don’t think the NHLs move was a good one, I throughly enjoyed the jerseys and the nights that they represent. Just stating what move seemed like to me

  7. Sauronsindexfinger

    This article is nonsense. Hockey IS for everyone. And we don’t need a fucking rainbow jersey to make that obvious. No one cares about your sexual orientation at a hockey game. We care about being entertained by gifted athletes.

  8. FreeOJ32

    Why don’t they just be honest and say we cant have any warm up jerseys because only 1 single jersey created any controversy so we’re canceling everything to avoid signaling out only one? We all know why, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone object to cancer or Star Wars nights

  9. MedicSBK

    I get why they did it. Its a blanket policy, and that’s fine. People, the author included, will claim that this is homophobia, but no one will say that its a pro-cancer move, or anti-military move by the league. The former is tongue in cheek, but I’m sure as the conflict in Ukraine escalates there will be players reluctant to wear uniforms honoring the US Military as well.

    The Hockey Fights Cancer jerseys are the ones that I’m going to miss the most. I don’t care what your religious, social or political views are, I think that is something that everyone can get together on.

    Also let’s not lose sight of the fact that the nights are not going away. Pride night, Hockey Fights Cancers night, and all of the other nights are still going to happen. Just the aspect of the game that is probably not viewed by everyone in the arena will no longer feature warm up jerseys honoring that specific day.

    I also think its funny that the overall message that I get from the article is « The NHL is slower to virtue signal than other professional leagues. »

  10. Jballzs13

    It’s always going to be a double edged sword, and you’re never going to please both sides of this drastic spectrum.

  11. TheMoxyV

    I’m embarrassed by this league but not surprised. Such a clown show.

    For those going on and on about « get the politics out of hockey » or whatever other hot « apolitical » take. The reason that its so important to have representation like this is exactly BECAUSE it’s still so much of an issue for people. If everyone was cool with it then there honestly wouldn’t be a reason to keep wearing them.

    « We don’t want to participate in in pride events sooo badly that we are willing to stop wearing military jersey’s too » is one hell of a message.

  12. Shot-Perspective2946

    The nhl needs to do better.

    Arguing religious reasons is absurd. People forget religion teaches you to love everyone.

  13. Stankassmofo

    there’s no problem here. we don’t need this stuff all over the place. good move from the nhl. so over all of the agendas in every single sports league. enough already. just play…..

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