@Avalanche du Colorado

Il y a un an, ce jour-là, nous avons eu l’une des augmentations de coupe les plus emblématiques de tous les temps

Il y a un an, ce jour-là, nous avons eu l’une des augmentations de coupe les plus emblématiques de tous les temps



  1. DarkwingDucky04

    Me: Best day ever

    Wife: what about…..

    Me: I said, best day EVER!

  2. Bassjosh

    Framed and hanging above my desk, and in the little one’s bedroom!

  3. TheVIRUS1973

    O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

    The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won.

  4. ElBron21

    Shame he won’t ever be the same player and/or play again. Damn shame.

  5. DSorelli

    Besides being biased how is this one of the most iconic cup raises of all time? Lmfao..

  6. tjgamir

    Tears of pure joy were shed that day

  7. SholcCTR

    When it comes to easing the cup, the Avs know how to make it count!

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