@Canadiens de Montréal

[Darren Dreger] Comme Arpon Basu le suggère ci-dessous, les Canadiens de Montréal sont revenus sur PLD. Il semblait que LA était clairement un favori, et c’est peut-être encore le cas, mais les Canadiens se sont réengagés.

[Darren Dreger] Comme Arpon Basu le suggère ci-dessous, les Canadiens de Montréal sont revenus sur PLD. Il semblait que LA était clairement un favori, et c’est peut-être encore le cas, mais les Canadiens se sont réengagés.



  1. ColeFleur

    lol this is just an inside joke at this point right?

    « here is my update on the others guys update, which was an update on the update from a third guy »

  2. NotJoeMoses

    Dach is the only centerpiece that makes sense to me, and I really don’t wanna lose Dach for Dubois.

    Surely not 5th overall.


  3. FBR_MC

    LeBrun literally mentions in the article they’re quoting that we don’t want to give up assets and would rather sign him as a free agent?????????????

  4. shogun2909

    Kent Hughes masterclass incoming? I would laugh my ass off if we end up getting this guy with mostly futures

  5. Lol wake me up when this is over.

    If we trade anything more valuable than Josh Roy and offer anything more than 7.75. I will be extremely disappointed.

  6. Modano9009

    This is why I had my doubts about the « wait until next summer » plan.

    If he lands somewhere he likes that offers him the extension he wants I doubt he’s going to hold out for Montreal next year.

  7. thebrah329

    I hope not, I think LA is nuts for giving up that to sign a guy for like 9 mil aav

  8. a7xgemzy

    Using Montreal as leverage part 2. Stop it.

  9. WesMcCauley

    I said that in another post:

    If WPG isn’t interested in a rebuild and don’t want our prospects, I’d give a call to Philadelphia and work a 3-way deal.

    Philly has young NHL players (à la Gabe Vilardi) and they could be interested in our prospects.

    There’s also reports that Philly might want Michkov, maybe a 5th/7th overall swap could be involved.

    It seems Winnipeg is trying to use some leverage and create a biding war, which is smart for them. I think Kent Hughes can think outside the box and make everyone happy, including PLD, the Jets and the Habs.

  10. oReevee

    Nah, I’m done, no more clicks, leave us alone

  11. zionistmilly

    Just when I though I was out, they pulled me back in!

  12. BlazeOfGlory72

    Kill me or release me parasite, but do not waste my time with talk.

  13. Physical-Asparagus48

    Please don’t trade Dach. I don’t want Dubois if that’s the price.

  14. poub06

    Snip snap snip snap snip snap. You have no idea Darren the physical toll that those rumours have on a Habs fan!

  15. mountainpope

    It’s over
    We’re back
    It’s over again
    Seems we’re back

  16. ukrainianhab

    Anything this time of year is just smoke and mirrors.

  17. confidenceisKi

    He clearly wants to play in Montreal. Seems like the kings have the package Winnipeg wants just it’s down to Dubois not accepting a long term deal. I just hope our 5th overall pick or Dach is not involved in any trade and he makes no more than 8 mil a year if we sign him.

  18. HoodFellaz

    Kent Hughes came back saying I’ll throw in a Timmies gift card in the deal.

  19. Sentenced2Burn

    Oh my god cut the foreplay and just fuck me already

  20. blewsyboy

    PLDs agent trying to use us all to get a better deal from LA…

  21. BigBoy990

    please dont overpay please dont overpay

  22. zombiejeesus

    I can’t wait for this shit to be over

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