@Rangers de New York

[Mercogliano] Une autre friandise mérite d’être partagée avec l’agence libre dans moins d’une semaine : j’entends dire que Tyler Motte est susceptible de tester le marché de l’UFA. La porte reste ouverte pour un retour #NYR, mais les chances de conclure un accord avant samedi ne semblent pas bonnes.

On dirait que nous devrons simplement revoir Motter à la date limite des échanges 2023-24 😭



  1. Ninjapig151

    2024 Deadline: Somehow, Motte returned

  2. bjisba41

    He’ll be back at the deadline

  3. tasteofnihilism

    I don’t buy it. I know it probably doesn’t mean anything, but I had a conversation with him at Casino Night for a bit and he genuinely loves the Rangers. And it wasn’t in a pre-rehearsed media way. It was in a two guys drinking and playing blackjack kind of way.

    This leads me to believe it’s the Rangers who won’t make the offer because they’re trying to wrangle the cap for bigger signings (Kane, Tarasenko, etc..)

  4. the_mair

    Honestly I’m fine with him getting that bag on 1 yr deals then getting him for a 4th round pick that’ll almost assuredly never make an NHL impact

  5. MyNameIsLegend

    I think the only way we’d be able to offer him a contract that would completely dissuade him from testing free agency would be if Goodrow was on his way out real soon. That isn’t to say there’s no chance he comes back or that Goodrow isn’t being moved, but we can’t really afford to spend more than $1M on a 4th liner unless we move Goodrow.

  6. Formisonic

    We can and should fit him at under $2M. If he thinks he can get $2m or more, then good luck. We’ll circle back in April.

  7. AARP_Rocky

    With the cap situation being what it is, I’d be a little surprised if Motte got a multi-year deal with someone.

    Reminds me of how Dominic Moore kept getting a series of one year deals.

  8. jthomas694

    There’s no way Motte should get much more than the league minimum from us to be a fourth liner. He’s a good fourth liner but you can add good fourth liners cheap at the deadline – or do what you did with Vesey and strike gold that way. Don’t overspend on a fourth liner because of sentimentality

  9. manticore16

    So, he’ll be back at the deadline for a mid/late pick. Unless it’s to Tampa, in which case it’ll be for Trouba, as them’s also the rules

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