@Capitals de Washington

[Garrioch] L’ancien Sens D Jason York, s’exprimant lors d’une émission qu’il fait lundi, avec un podcasteur local, a déclaré qu’il entendait que les Capitals de Washington aimeraient conclure une entente pour envoyer l’ailier robuste Tom Wilson à Ottawa. Si tel est le cas, il serait un ajout solide.

[Garrioch] L’ancien Sens D Jason York, s’exprimant lors d’une émission qu’il fait lundi, avec un podcasteur local, a déclaré qu’il entendait que les Capitals de Washington aimeraient conclure une entente pour envoyer l’ailier robuste Tom Wilson à Ottawa. Si tel est le cas, il serait un ajout solide.



  1. skilzkid

    Sounds like clickbait. If the rumors don’t come with a name like Elliot Friedman or someone known to have their ear to the ground, I wouldn’t buy it. Also, everyone knows we need to do some retooling, but the one way to piss off the fan base right now would be to get rid of Willy.

  2. KeepThatSameEnergy-

    Friedman stated earlier this month that the caps had no interest in moving Wilson.

    Wilson has stated he will not play hardball during contract negotiations and wants to retire a capital.

    There have been rumours that Wilson would be captain if not for Ovie.

    This is highly unlikely.

    A one-to-one for Debrincat may be a good move for the team purely hockey-talk, but still see this move as highly unlikely.

  3. DaniCapsFan

    Where is he « hearing » this? In his fevered imagination?

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