@Bruins de Boston

# 17 Stan Jonathan Boston Bruins: Hell’s Bells

5′ 8″ et 175 livres est généralement un obstacle pour un homme dans un sport difficile comme le hockey – mais pas pour Stan « Bulldog » Jonathan qui a défini la force incroyable ; la ténacité ; très peu d’aboiements et beaucoup de mordant. Stan ne laisse jamais sa taille entrave son jeu. Cependant, il n’hésite pas à se jeter sur le chemin d’adversaires qui le dominent et le dépassent. Capable d’abattre de plus gros adversaires aussi facilement que le vent soufflant sur un château de cartes, parfois il saigne eux dans le processus pour une mesure supplémentaire – enseignant à ceux qui sont assez sages pour apprendre, une leçon sur qui ne pas baiser. Livre pour livre, Stan était incontestablement l’un des combattants les plus durs et les plus féroces de la LNH à son époque {à l’exception des Bruins de Boston ; où il était le 2e plus dur à son coéquipier Terry O’Reilly}. Ceux qui ont bêtement supposé qu’ils avaient l’avantage de la taille et du poids, et pouvaient facilement éliminer Stan comme un obstacle – ils ont rapidement appris qu’il ne serait pas bousculé simplement parce que il était plus petit. Répondre à l’appel pour combattre Stan a sans aucun doute sonné comme Hell’s Bells dans la tête des adversaires pendant des jours après.


  1. The original "little ball of hate"!
    Just so strong and could throw with power in each hand with great balance.

  2. Stand grandson tanner is my best friend I call him tan bean. Stan is a beauty tho real nice guy seems to be living the dream nowadays anyways sick vid.

  3. I remember another left winger, pound for pound fighter too.
    Also #17.
    Happened to play for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

  4. Still don't understand to this day how or why Bouchard got it so bad from Jonathan. Pierre Bouchard was 6'2" 205 lbs and a bit of a scrapper…

  5. Guy,s a legend , could put the puck in the net as well……closest I’ve ever seen to him is Jon Mirasty

  6. i wish there was more fight vids of him! so tough! loved him in Boston! Bouchard never played again I believe.

  7. I remember Stan in Jr alot of good scrapes with bigger guys he could play too good in the corners. Glad Bruins got him some good scrapes in Philly and Montreal over the years. Probably toughest guy in his prime.

  8. Good luck finding anyone else in NHL history who was 5'8, 175 pounds who was even remotely as tough as Stan Jonathan. Fun fact… Don Cherry watched him in a game when he played in the OHL for the Peterborough Petes and talked Harry Sinden into drafting him; no one else even had any interest in him. Cherry would later state that Stan Jonathan was his most proud acquisition.

  9. I was too young for stan Jonathan. But what I've heard from my older cousin is he played how my culture h
    Has had to act the last 50 years . Fight for anything that you weren't given

  10. Bouchard went looking for Stan, from Boston saw his whole career, bad move by Bouchard,Johnathan hit him with so many lefts Bouchard was begging for a right, put a hole in his head, Johnathan was a beast.

  11. I remember the Bouchard fight well. Went to one of there practices once and Stan came over to say hi. He looked like a cinder block just solid. He was awesome with the people who came to see them also. Got his autograph in the 79' yearbook along With Terry O'Reilly, Wayne Cashmen most of the guys on that team and a first year guy who was new to the team Ray bourque. Ya gotta love the Big Bad Bruins.

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