@Blues de Saint-Louis

[Di Marco] On dirait que l’accord initial entre STL/PHI est complètement mort dans l’eau. On s’attend toujours à ce que Kevin Hayes se retrouve dans STL, mais l’accord ne serait rien de plus qu’un vidage de salaire. Je m’attendrais à ce qu’il soit également à près de 50% de rétention.

[Di Marco] On dirait que l’accord initial entre STL/PHI est complètement mort dans l’eau. On s’attend toujours à ce que Kevin Hayes se retrouve dans STL, mais l’accord ne serait rien de plus qu’un vidage de salaire. Je m’attendrais à ce qu’il soit également à près de 50% de rétention.



  1. DEEPfrom1

    We better be giving up nothing to take philly’s dump.

    See Ryan Johansson to the AVS, 50% retained for Galchenyuk (moving a player to stay under the 50 limit).

  2. the_dayman623

    Then why do it at all. We don’t need Hayes that bad

  3. PajamaHive

    Unless someone (see defensemen) is going to Philly I don’t really see the point of this deal.

  4. Tmans3

    3.55 for a 50 point center is fine by me.

    he’s also a tkachuk cousin if anyone didn’t know

  5. reenactment

    I don’t understand what people are complaining about. If we were to start playing today, our centers would be Thomas schenn Alexandrov dean. 2 guys that have never started a season playing on the 3rd and 4th line. Dean isn’t expected to get much time this year. 50 percent retained is a steal for the moment. Unless we send something back that’s an overpay in assets.

  6. IrateWeasel89

    Why would we be involved in a salary dump? Army said he wants to compete sooooo why take someone else’s salary problems?

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