@Canucks de Vancouver

Chris Faber sur ses attentes pour les Canucks au repêchage demain

Chris Faber de Canucks Conversation et Canucks Army a rejoint les gars de Nashville pour partager ses attentes des Canucks demain au repêchage.


  1. The only problem with Ian Cole is that he's not a long term solution. He's already 34. If he gets signed, it's probably for 2 years max. If this franchise is content with maxing out as a 1st round playoff exit, that's probably not going to sit well with Hughes or Pettersson. There has to be a long term plan with the intention of being a contender. By the time this team is at that level, if they get there at all, Cole will probably be retired.

  2. I hate the south and I hate country music but I was in Nashville (coincided with but not for their cup final run) and I can agree I have nothing but good things to say about Nashville.

  3. Honestly, Ian Cole is so similar to the tired, played out, AWFUL UFA signings the Canucks have made year after year after year after year. They don't need an old UFA defencemen on long term deal. If they insist on this guy, 1 year. For the love of God.

  4. Fabers' ok and I have nothing against him BUT…I do prefer Chris Farber's opinions…I mean all day any day 😉😉

    PS I hear Farber's Mic is even BIGGER than Faber's

  5. The Canucks can score even without a great 3C. Pick up two solid Dmen for this upcoming season and trade for a 3C mid season.

  6. I am not hyped for this team this year at this team is going nowhere next Season mark my words

  7. Dmitri Simashev = Mikhail Sergachev 2.0
    Unfortunately I don't see him getting past Washington
    A Canucks fan can dream tho!!

  8. If the Canucks have been setting up smokescreens just to pull off getting Simashev I am going to change my mind on this management group.

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