@Jets de Winnipeg

Classement centile des patineurs de la saison complète 5 contre 5 des Jets de Winnipeg

Classement centile des patineurs de la saison complète 5 contre 5 des Jets de Winnipeg



  1. binchbunches

    Nik putting in that good work

  2. heinola_for_captain

    To me, there are no real surprises here other than Lowry and Harkins. I thought Lowry’s xGoals Against would be a bit better. Harkins being 100% in that department is probably because of his small sample size and sheltered minutes. I hope we can bring back Vladdy but obviously, I’m not going to hold my breath, since he seems to sign somewhere new every offseason.

    Ehlers is and will continue to be the team’s most dynamic player. I’m hoping we can play Vilardi at centre between him and Nino this year.

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