@Ducks d'Anaheim

Les canards prévoient de révéler leur maillot du 30e anniversaire plus tard dans la journée et apparemment, il s’agit de « Mighty purple ».

Les canards prévoient de révéler leur maillot du 30e anniversaire plus tard dans la journée et apparemment, il s’agit de « Mighty purple ».



  1. thefiction24

    bruuuh I’m going to the draft and Ponda is that where they’re gonna show us? Stoked, but my wallet is scared already

  2. BrobaFettActual

    Most of me is fucking stoked, but part of me knows they can still mess this up lol

  3. auughhhhWhenTheWhen

    dear lord if they STILL use the webbed D for these…

  4. InNOutFrenchFries

    It’s only a couple hours away but the suspense is killing me, I even rocked my Mighty Ducks jersey to work today in hopes they bring it back.

  5. Ducksfan182

    I’m just shocked that the 25th anniversary was 5 years ago lol seems like 2 seasons ago

  6. Firebitez

    Please be the main jersey and please be more than just one year.

  7. KafkaValentino

    Do we know how often they plan to wear the anniversary jersey?

  8. Dunharrow_DeathMetal

    I want it to be the originals so we can stop having threads about them every 20 min.

  9. sealer9

    doubtful. hasn’t been mentioned by anyone legitimate. even if they do they’ll probably wear them like 3 times

  10. Wildguy2298

    Uh oh Kings better watch out.

  11. djs200217

    Is ducksnpucks reliable now? I’m still mad bc the beleskey tweet

  12. bjabel

    Sadly they’ll prob only wear said jersey for like 10 games.

  13. vicblck24

    It’s like they know the old logo and jersey colors are better because they always include them but refuse to just switch back

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