@Red Wings de Détroit

32 réflexions horodatées Théorie du complot du « jour du repêchage » selon laquelle les ailes repêchaient un joueur pour Ottawa s’il est là plutôt que de le retourner pour Debrincat. « C’est le moment de moudre » Dorion essayant de presser pour la meilleure affaire. Steve le sait, et Dorion a besoin d’une autre équipe pour créer un marché.

32 réflexions horodatées Théorie du complot du « jour du repêchage » selon laquelle les ailes repêchaient un joueur pour Ottawa s’il est là plutôt que de le retourner pour Debrincat. « C’est le moment de moudre » Dorion essayant de presser pour la meilleure affaire. Steve le sait, et Dorion a besoin d’une autre équipe pour créer un marché.



  1. 666ers

    How would this be any different than Det/Ott waiting until the pick being traded comes on the clock, then simply moving the pick for DeBrincat? I’m just not sure how one would benefit from trading a just drafted player’s rights versus trading the pick that could be used to draft him.

  2. Ph1llyth3gr8

    I think this makes sense if the plan is a sign and trade. You’d only have mere minutes to make the deal official if the player is there. So this way the wings take him, and minutes later AD signs his deal, then minutes later it’s swap time.

  3. zze0001

    Ryan Hana does a good job summarizing on Twitter

    Friedman: « A lot of people think at some point in time DeBrincat is going to be a Red Wing, but you don’t think Yzerman knows everybody thinks that?

    Dorion’s trying to squeeze the best deal he can. »

    Seems like Detroit knows it’s the only currently viable team w/ cap room. #LGRW 

    On 32 Thoughts, @FriedgeHNIC acknowledges a « crazy conspiracy theory » where Detroit drafts a player that Ottawa likes (because they lack a high pick) & flips that player for DeBrincat.

    « It’s a conspiracy theory, you hear a lot of crazy stuff right now, but it’s out there. » #LGRW 


  4. RedWong15

    How awkward for the player to get drafted, get photographed in all his Red Wings gear only to get traded right after lol

  5. Scary-Extent5740

    I have a bad gut feeling it’s just gonna be an ordinary night. Wings draft at 9 and 17 and everyone goes home. We’ll probably sign a middle of the road forward in fr agency who can score 12-17 goals and play good defense

  6. reznorwings

    That.. seems… very unlikely. I mean, you would just have the deal in place and trade the pick when it’s time to go, right? So Ottawa makes the pick for their guy.

    I don’t think I have ever seen a pick taken, and then the newly drafted prospect is immediately flipped.

    Dorian is trying to get a draft day deal done like he made last year. That is a deal around a very high draft pick. Yzerman is likely offering more of a deadline deal. Late 1st and other picks or middling prospects. I feel Yzerman will win this tug of war after today or Dorian send him somewhere else.

  7. DontCare010101

    It’s not a bad idea, honestly.

    Thinking outside the box isn’t a bad thing.

  8. needuhlife19

    I will not be thrilled if we trade 9/player picked at 9. I really like the idea of Debrincat but we need that 9th pick.

  9. Background_Junket_35

    This happens a lot in the NBA draft, but I can’t really recall it happening in the NHL

  10. MajorasShoe

    It’s a conspiracy theory. It was never meant to sound like Friedman actually believes that’s the case.

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