@Ligue nationale de hockey

Quel maillot est le meilleur?

Quel maillot est le meilleur?



  1. boris_ryzhy90

    Might be unpopular but the orange sweater.

  2. simpbizkit420

    How is this up for debate?

  3. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Eggplant Purple no debate

  4. BlandBenny89

    The left one is definitely better but the ducks really want to to go with the Orange and black to represent Orange County. The jersey on the right is infinitely better than the dogshit main jerseys they have now and they need to change these to their main jerseys and logo. That duck foot D is maybe the worst logo in the league.

  5. notneeded17

    Purple but with horizontal lines.

  6. Hollandmarch76

    The color that will get your wife pregnant.

  7. millsy1010

    Purple and it’s not even close

  8. sledgehammer_77

    Left with slight changes

  9. The crest on the orange jersey is too low and it bothers me.

  10. Dry-Philosophy-3052

    As a ducks fan I’m going with the original on the left

  11. DK_drizzle80

    Purple with horizontal lines but I think the orange is pretty cool looking too.

  12. Winerepone1963

    The purple one on the left…

  13. gummyinvasion

    The purple has more contrast with the logo. The orange washes out the duck mask and sticks.

  14. Metalhead831

    I wish the left one was mainly the green, with orange secondary colors. Obviously it’s 100x better, but I’ve never been a fan of th eggplant color. One of the few jerseys where I prefer the white

  15. PersimmonMindless

    Purple. Clearly purple.

  16. CryptographerTop6473

    The one that Coach Bombay pulled together outcasts who turned a below average goalie into a champion… the one that took a bunch of talented players and made them a team and beat the most heinous youth group that had a real bad guy as a coach in the Junior Olympics and brought them to a Gold Medal.

  17. mttysmtty

    I like the 3rd one 🤦‍♂️

  18. 42northside

    The original purple and green one.

  19. Pussycat-Papa

    Burn then both. I might be biased though

    Totally stole our teal

  20. SorryiLikePlants

    Thank christ the majority of commenters have at least 3 brain cells

  21. Sheeple_person

    There is no such thing as a good orange jersey. Flyers are acceptable because it’s classic but still ugly as hell.

  22. PossumJankins

    I like the lgbtq jersey better!

  23. ginfish

    I prefer the one on the right. If you had the left’s one colors with the design of the right one, I’d consider it.

  24. ebolarama86

    Left is one of the Top 5 sweaters of all time

  25. PollutionNice7392

    Left’s color on rights jersey

  26. West_Confection_4963

    They’re called sweaters, u/orangepineapplesodas. Try to keep up.


    I’m always wanted to see the right with the left colors. Idk why but jade would pop more with the right design

  28. upstartanimal

    Left’s colors, right’s style

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