@Flames de Calgary

‘Le ciel est la limite’

Le directeur général des Flames, Craig Conroy, parle du premier tour Samuel Honzek.


  1. I hope the new GM will be honest to the dedicated Flames Fans and inform us this will be a rebuild, and hope we can be competing in year 3. 3 to 4 players will depart.

  2. Something Conroy stated that shows it's a post Sutter era – ‘the analytics data said….”

  3. Like the way we're heading. Younger and faster. Create and entertain. When turnovers happen, and they will, bust your ass backchecking.

  4. The only thing wrong with him is he is a left-winger. This team desperately needs right-wingers. We have 1 left after Toffoli left. If they bring up Coronato they have 2. Other than that looking forward to seeing him play in Calgary

  5. I've only watched one Flames game in person, and that was a few years back. But there was one player who really stood out to me in that game because he never gave up, he was always skating fast, always trying. Only later did I realize that that player was Conroy.

  6. Wish it works out, but this is a bad pick, especially with some of the players drafted afterwards. I mean Honzek is a useful player due to his size and character, but he lacks high end skill. We basically drafted a safe middle six player, probably ends up on the third line. Likely a 15-25 goal scorer with 30-50 points a year. Meh useful but not great.

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