@Canucks de Vancouver

Donnie et Rick réagissent au fait que Tom Willander a été sélectionné 11e au total par les Canucks

Dans notre segment d’ouverture, les gars ont partagé leurs réflexions sur le repêchage des Canucks Tom Willander 11e au classement général hier à Nashville.


  1. I love that Orca logo…not sure why people don't. It astounds me that people still prefer that disgustingly ugly flying skate, the worst logo in the history of sport (followed by the Flying V).

  2. This kid has all the potential in the world. Hes got it all, all he needs is a bit of time.

  3. By the time this guy is ready there is a good chance that defense won’t be an issue. Of course there’s a good chance QH will be requesting a trade to NJ by then

  4. Boston University has a great coach. For to long the Canucks have been chasing old broke down players based on past play. Save on cap money by developing the talent coming up. This seems like a good pick.

  5. Should of taken Zach Benson
    It is swede nation here they ain't gonna win with the sedin sister wanna be they cost the canucks the cup taken free punches from Brad Marchant the playoffs are a diff animal😮😮

  6. Hey Dali.. yeah 5 years ago, they passed on BPA for a defenceman they "identified"… how that work out. That's why people nervous😮

  7. Im really happy we got a first round pick who wants to be here for a change

  8. Quinn Hughes also converted from forward. I think it's a smart idea with today's game and how important mobile, puck moving defensemen are.

  9. Anyone in this comment section speculating how good or bad Willander is or will be, doesn't have a clue. Time will tell. To the people bitching here, you are not scouts! You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Up until 2 or 3 weeks ago most of you had never heard of any of these players outside of Bedard. Now you are acting like you are a pro, who knows? GTFO.

  10. Education is # 1, show his parents a two week paycheque from an NHL ELC +bonuses and then ask him what a two week paycheque for a bachelor's degree job looks like in comparison.

  11. I don’t understand how Canucks fans could be happy about this. They have Wallinder, fine but they could have had so much more if they didn’t trade away the 1st and 2nd like we are contenders or something.

  12. This kid is another Pettersson in terms of work ethic and training

  13. The draft was all over the place this year because there were SO many strong players. So some people saying maybe he should have been picked at 15 or something… that doesn't necessarily mean as much this year as in previous years. I know THG was hoping the Canucks would pick a player that ended up going like 8 picks later than 11th. It's clear that Willander is a smart, strong defencemen with a high ceiling. He seems motivated and smart about his development path. Time will tell, but CERTAINLY this is the kind of player the Canucks need badly, and in a position that is HARD to attain via trade. As for scoring, we had one of our highest scoring years of all time last year, so unless that totally drops off, it makes sense to focus on making it harder to score on us. Finding the kind of player we can put out there in a one goal game, or in overtime, and feel confident that they will make the right play.

    ALSO I love the Orca. I also love the Skate and the Rink, but nothing against the Orca.

  14. The Canucks needed to restock the cupboards and failed. They could have had 2 additional higher end prospects on top of the players they drafted. Wouldn’t it have been nice to have Barlow, or Moore, or Pellika. Ffs

  15. You should always take best players available, and he wasn’t best player by a long shot , never draft for position, by the time he’s ready, you might not need him , with trades FA , disappointing, tell the truth

  16. Donnie, chances are he grew up listening to you on Sports Page daily at 10pm, and replay at 11pm.

  17. Most people love the Orca logo. They are out to lunch saying people hate it. It's is my favortie logo from Canucks.

  18. Absolutely right Donnie. If you want a certain player, go ahead and pick him. Don't fool around. Allvin did the right thing.
    And yes, it took 8 years to replace Bieksa with Hronek. It's brutal to trade for a RHD. Better to draft them

  19. You can't afford to move down on a deep draft where the rankings are all over the place. Just look at Detroit where they drafted Nate Danielson at 9th who was ranked 26th…

  20. Like i said no up or down trades no dumb selections they drafted d that they need forget the flashy benson we need defense. Plus we are more and more becoming the russian national team.

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