@Ducks d'Anaheim

Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé ?!

Hier, c’était le repêchage 2023 de la LNH, et si votre fan des Ducks, les choses ne se sont pas déroulées comme prévu, c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire. Les Ducks d’Anaheim ont choqué tout le monde en dépassant Adam Fantilli au n ° 2 pour Leo Carlsson. En plus de cela, ils ont révélé leur maillot du 30e anniversaire, cela aurait presque été la perfection… Je donne mon avis sur les raisons pour lesquelles Leo Carlsson est toujours un excellent choix, et le nouveau maillot des Ducks dans cette vidéo. Si vous avez aimé ce que vous avez vu, assurez-vous d’appuyer sur ce bouton d’abonnement ! https://www.youtube.com/@duckmylife?sub_confirmation=1 Lien vers tout – https://linktr.ee/duckmylife Suivez nos réseaux sociaux ! TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@duckmylife_yt Insta : https://www.instagram.com/duckmylife_yt/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/duckmylife_yt Découvrez nos autres chaînes ! Gaming Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@dmlgaming_yt Life Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@itsthewoods à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement enfreindre. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS*


  1. The ducks have never drafted bad. Have you seen our prospect pool? honestly in 2-3 years the ducks can be true cup contenders. Also, who would want to go to Ohio over California???

  2. Those "fans" should be ashamed, Leo is a stud and he deserves the biggest welcome from the Ducks fans and the city of Anaheim. I love this pick.

  3. I think the outcry is just the frustrating summation of the past couple years. Every Ducks fan knows the team isn’t a huge market, but we used to be able to consistently make the playoffs which is very representative of the scrappy nature of the team. This all being said, after the ugly af season we got and missing out on Bedard it leaves a feeling of “oh god where is this franchise going?” sort of feel after we were spoon fed Fantilli information for months.

    I’m not a hockey scout and I trust the org with developing the talent. The team is still very young and we aren’t going to be a playoff contender with Fantilli or Carlsson. I’ll trust the process. We as fans should do our best to support Carlsson and make him feel welcome to the team!

  4. I think with Getzy being in charge of Player Development it doesn't matter too much if we get Fantilli or Carlsson, it just feels like even Verbeek didn't know who he picked while on stage 😂

  5. I like the new 30th anniversary Jersey I have the 25th anniversary Jersey but its about time the secondary logo gets some love

  6. i'm stoked about us getting Carlsson. can't wait to see how this all comes together

  7. After years of Eakins hockey the fans wanted something to be excited about, and we were led to believe that Fantilli with his hair on fire, running people over and showing some "snarl" was it! Nothing against Leo but a soft spoke Swede (again) goin back to Sweden then to the AHL to learn the NA game/ice is clearly not ready for NHL, not what was expected from the number 2 pick. I am sure he will be a fine Duck, probably our best player, but now we are back picking in top 5 and still goin to be a soft team. The Coyotes will probably have a building before Ducks sniff the playoffs again. And the jersey is horrible, again.

  8. The copium is amazing, we went from “Bedard or bust because Bedard is by far the best player in the draft at #1 and it’s not close”, to “Fantilli is JUST as good as Bedard AND Fantilli is the best fit for our team” which he’s not as good as Bedard, to “don’t disrespect us TSN for talking about our living destination” meanwhile Fantilli cared about his living destination, to “Leo is JUST as good as Fantilli” which hes closer to Fantilli then Fantilli is to Bedard but still there’s a gap. It’s just so funny.

  9. Fantilli probably would have gone back to Michigan and then not signed with the Ducks. Remember Justin Schultz 2008?

  10. Anaheim ducks has a new logo in 2023-2024 😱 I am going to wear it at the first game of Anaheim ducks 2023

  11. May not be fantilli but I think he’ll still be a great player 🙂 go ducks 🦆🦆🦆

  12. This reminds me a lot of the 2013 draft when Florida picked Alex Barkov #2. He was the consensus #4 pick and Panthers fans were PISSED that they passed on Jones and Drouin.. and look how that turned out

  13. I want the fans to keep that same energy when Leo is flourishing in the league lmao we tanked n got a promising player who fits our team and has looked exceptional playing professionally as a teenager what else do y’all want ?

  14. CBJ fans cheering when the Ducks passed on Fantilli is gonna be really funny in a few years when Carlsson becomes Barkov and Fantilli is just another Saad. Mark it down

  15. If I have to be honest, I think what really to set Fantilli and Carlsson apart was the fact that Fantilli had said he wanted to be drafted by Columbus. Now I’m not gonna say that was the sole reason because who knows what was said at the interview but there’s a reason why we didn’t choose fantilli. I’m still ecstatic about the choice we made. Carlson has been playing in a men’s league for the last couple years which unlike most every other prospect in the draft other than Michkov they’ve all either played college or junior. So while yes I originally wanted Fantilli. I’m still happy with the choice that we got. And unlike all the sore fans, I welcome Leo Carlson to the Anaheim Ducks and wish him nothing but success

  16. Hehe, I was thinking of this channel after you guys didn't get the guy you were expecting to.
    good point though, these guys are all great. Great choice

  17. Yup i wasn't too thrilled at first ,, but over last night and this morning i watched every game he was in at the worlds and wow! for his age he plays like a 10yr all star vet , so silky smooth and you can see that high IQ with the decisions he makes ….. Also at first just by going by his YT highlights i thought he'll just be a great winger because of his high IQ and passing ability ,, but after watching the worlds games in full i think with good amount of practice with his shot accuracy i have no doubt he could be a great center (a lot better than Zegras who should move to the wing imo) …. Can only hope we get to see him in 3 – 5 games at end of next year and then in 2025 we get to see him in 1/3 of the games and full go in 2026

  18. I feel like this pick is going to age like milk, a player with great puck possession, physicality and scoring ability is what we were missing, can't make sense of this pick. Should've traded down if they wanted him, CBJ was even willing to do it

  19. "Not looking for the best players Craig, I'm looking for the right ones"
    -Herb Brooks.

  20. I think as Ducks Fans we had Fantilli shaded sunglasses on too tight, and completely forgot how insanely talented Carlsson is and how well documented it was last year. After initial confusion and uncertainty, i think my thought is conpletely rewired. Im hyped and excited for Carlsson. Seems like he has the right attitude, i like his hockey awareness, what hes managed to bring to the SHL thus far, and how much more hes going to improve on. LETS GO!!!

    ALSO, again, i was confused if i liked the 30th jersey on initial sight…now i love it. There are 3 jerseys this gen that have the old school logo, and i would much prefer the next jersey i own with it to be their main home and away uniforms. Gotta love the ducks for always being unorthodox at this point lol 😅

  21. no need to justify the pick. everyone who’s not a chicago fan is mad because their pick not bedard

  22. I think the best comparison is the ducks chose Patrik Laine over Jack Eichel. Patrik Laine isn’t bad at all but he’s no Jack Eichel.

  23. Honestly I didn’t know much about Carlsson til yesterday. After reading up on his attributes and seeing his highlights he made me realize how underrated he is especially since there wasn’t much coverage on him in NA as compared to Bedard and Fantilli. I trust the ducks here and I’m hoping this can turn out to be like Barkov and Mctavish. Welcome Leo 🫶

  24. I love following the Jackets. Disappointment isn't the right word because it's obviously amazing that the Jackets got a great player like Fantilli. I was just so excited to watch Carlsson as a Jacket and to have him show everyone how damn good he is. Ducks made the right pick.

  25. Fantilli and Carlson play different games. Fantilli will charge ahead shoot first and ask questions later. Carlson will look at everything around him and see where the best option to score is. If it is him, he will shoot, if not he will make a play happen and pass the puck. Fantilli is physical and not afraid to drop the gloves where Carlson needs to learn how to be a little more aggressive with his size. Fantilli is a power forward that is offensive minded and will score more goals but probably make some defensive mistakes here and there. Carlson is a power forward that will make plays where there weren't any, getting more helpers than goals. Carlson also plays a better two way game and can be very defensive minded as well. Maybe less exciting than Fantilli, but more complete overall.

    With this pick the Ducks seem to be looking at all their high scoring D prospects coming up along with another two way center that can score (Gaucher). It looks to me the Ducks are trying to build more than just two high caliber lines so they can make the playoffs but eventually four solid lines that can score and defend well. The top two lines will eventually be fantastic but the bottom two will pull more than their weight. That's how cups are won! The ducks are building not just skill but depth as well. They do need some physical, heavy hitters as of now but it look like a couple are on the way.

    Fantilli will be great! He got to go where he wanted. That doesn't happen all the time so I hope he realizes how fortunate he is! Carlson looks to be happy as a Duck and he has the skill set to make fans equally as happy. The future is bright! Welcome aboard and good luck Mr. Carlson!

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