@Oilers d'Edmonton

Le joueur des Oilers d’Edmonton, Connor McDavid, est DÉCLENCHÉ que les chandails d’échauffement Pride INTERDITS de la LNH !

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  1. McDavid just needs to come out of the closet. But wedon't care and don't want to see this shit anymore.

  2. 98-99%? I'm fact checking that..I want to see the evidence behind that claim..for now it's 4 pinocchio noses liar liar pants on fire for Stamkos

  3. The players who opted not to wear the jersey based on their personal views are the real heros. Those who went along simply went along because they were afraid of media backlash. I bet most could give a crap about this virtue signaling.

  4. I never cared about McDavid in the first place, the only thing he has is speed. Had he played back in the 90's or 00's he would be out injured or hurt for a lot of games.

  5. mcdavid is a clown. no one is stopping him from wearing one if he wants to before a game or an off day. why does he need everyone else to do it?

  6. The NHL will still offer pride jerseys for sale and will still have pride nights,the NHL just won't have players wear them during pregame warmup.

  7. mc-clown should be more worried about getting out of the 1st round than what jersey he's wearing during warm-up. This is why Crosby is better he actually wins cups.

  8. I'm glad Edmonton sucks and he is an overrated player. Who ever said he was the next Wayne Gretzky must have been smoking something. Gretzky is light years better and would never promote this insanity.

  9. Connie McDavid. Our biggest mistake is thinking that just because someone is a sports phenom it must mean they are of sound character and are in some way more respectable. This has been proven to be false over and over. Play your game, entertain me and shut your mouth.

  10. McDavid is the best player in the world, but nobody ever accused him of being the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  11. I lost 40 pounds in 5 months on keto. I've took off since valentines day. I'm getting back on after the 4th going to lose another 20 I'll be good

  12. The hell is he talking about man? No one said they couldn't enjoy hockey, they just want special treatment for a sex act lol. Connor was my favorite player…not anymore.

  13. I remember back when Michael Sam got drafted. Bring he was a 7th rounder, it wasn’t particularly newsworthy, but since he was a defensive lineman, I thought, “okay, but can the rookie get to the quarterback?”

    Then the woke media shouted, “he’s GAY! It’s groundbreaking! historical! So stunning! So brave!”

    Then I thought, “Okay. But can the fairy get to the quarterback?”

  14. Mcdavid just got engaged to a beautiful woman he needs to concentrate on that and hockey with his millions of dollars not the narrative

  15. It was so great to see the Staal brothers advance to the Stanley Cup Finals while McDavid and Hyman, who tried to shame them for not wearing pride jerseys, went home in the 2nd round!

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