@Blue Jackets de Columbus


Dans l’épisode 339 du Habs Daily News, l’entraîneur Frenchy parle des rumeurs commerciales des Canadiens de Montréal. Aujourd’hui, nous avons 3 sujets différents. 1- NOUVELLES PLD 2- NOUVELLES HABS 3- RUMEURS HABS #canadiens #nhl #habs N’oubliez pas de vous ABONNER à notre CANAL YOUTUBE et PAGE FACEBOOK : HOCKEY NATION LIVE SHOW MILESTONES : CRÉER 25 AOÛT 2020 28 AVRIL 2021 100 ABONNÉS 7 JUIN 2021 500 ABONNEMENTS 7 JUILLET 2021 1000 ABONNEMENTS 20 SEPTEMBRE 2021 2000 ABONNEMENTS 13 OCT 2021 3000 ABONNEMENTS 9 MARS 2022 4000 ABONNEMENTS 10 JUILLET 2022 5000 ABONNEMENTS 11 DEC 2022 6000 ABONNEMENTS Liens vers les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter. com/CoachFrenchy10X Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/coachfrenchyhockeynation Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hockeynationliveshow Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/coach-frenchy-71715984 Courriel : coach@coachfrenchy.com Abonnez-vous ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpEAmARN_Ud9j9TwjmI2db DEVENEZ MEMBRE DE NOTRE CHAÎNE. PROFITEZ DE DIFFÉRENTES REMISES ETC : https://www.youtube.com/c/HockeyNationLiveShow AIDEZ ET SOUTENEZ NOTRE CANAL : ACHETER UN PUCK SUPPORT buymeacoffee.com/coachfrenchy NOUS REMERCIONS NOS MEMBRES POUR LEUR SOUTIEN : JOSE DUARTE GARY COURNOYER DAVID HUNTE DANY GRENIER MATTHEW SLATER MATCH BUT GAGNANT HOCKEY ALEXANDRE MEILLEUR LUCIANO GRAZIANO DANNY TABERNAK ROGER HABS #1 ROSS STUBBINGTON STELLA K STEVE G SASCHA SCHRADER ROGER DELANEY DIXON AUTOMOBILE GROUP KIMBERLY ENA POKER MIND REDGY VLOG JOSEPH LANHAM ENORTAP NHL HOCKEY NEWS REPORT GATORS-ROCK TIM-T KER RY WILLETT SJOERD WYNSTOK BLACK HAWKS 97 JOHN LOWERY HACHIG RUDOLPH ALYANAKIAN JOHN DIDIER AYESLTKEV YT DUMBY 88 PIERRE PETER MARTIN AAFIALTES PROGRAMME NOUS OFFRONS : INSCRIVEZ-VOUS À TUBE BUDDY https://www.tubebuddy.com/HOCKEYNATIONLIVESHOW Vignette vidéo créée avec https://www .canva.com​ SI VOUS VOULEZ REJOINDRE CANVA, VEUILLEZ VOUS INSCRIRE ICI : https://partner.canva.com/doOyBj TOUTE LA MUSIQUE EST SOUS SON ÉPIDÉMIQUE : SI VOUS VOULEZ VOUS ABONNER, CLIQUEZ ICI : https://www.epidemicsound. com/referral/l6ox6v/ RESTREAM: https://restream.io/join/g31Nr Ducks d’Anaheim Coyotes de l’Arizona Bruins de Boston Sabres de Buffalo Flames de Calgary Hurricanes de la Caroline Blackhawks de Chicago Avalanche du Colorado Blue Jackets de Columbus Stars de Dallas Red Wings de Detroit Oilers d’Edmonton Panthers de la Floride Kings de Los Angeles Wild du Minnesota Canadiens de Montréal Predators de Nashville Devils du New Jersey Islanders de New York Rangers de New York Sénateurs d’Ottawa Flyers de Philadelphie Penguins de Pittsburgh Sharks de San Jose Kraken de Seattle Blues de St. Louis Lightning de Tampa Bay Maple Leafs de Toronto Canucks de Vancouver Golden Knights de Vegas Capitals de Washington Jets de Winnipeg 107 de la loi de 1976 sur le droit d’auteur, une «utilisation équitable» est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement enfreindre. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS* Toutes les vidéos sont soumises au droit d’auteur et toutes les publicités sont placées par le propriétaire du contenu. Je n’ai aucun contrôle sur les annonces. Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH, AHL, OHL, WHL, CHL, QMJHL, ECHL, NAHL, USHL, SPHL, EIHL, SHL, LIIGA, DEL, AIHL, NWHL, CWHL, NCAA, ou toute ligue manquante et ses diffuseurs. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement. Mon objectif avec cette chaîne est de développer une communauté de personnes qui aiment s’amuser. Les gens qui aiment parler de hockey Et les gens qui vous comprennent peuvent respecter les autres Je veux vous inspirer à aimer le jeu. En fin de compte, cette chaîne est entièrement consacrée à VOUS. Faites-moi savoir ce que vous voulez voir ensuite et je ferai de mon mieux pour y arriver! Après tout… je suis semi-retraité, je parle de hockey avec VOUS !!! Pierre Deschesnes coach@coachfrenchy.com 970-424-8704 Tweeter : @coachfrenchy10x Chaîne You Tube : Hockey Nation Live Show ÉQUIPE = Ensemble, tout le monde accomplit un miracle


  1. As for PLD , i hear he's already requested to get out of L. A. 😂😂. Maybe offer a third round and a fifth round for Sharakovich? 🥴

  2. Frenchy, Here is my problem with Canadian's fans when talking trades. They all seem to think that teams should be honored to do a deal with Montreal and therefore will be pleased to let The Habs fleece them. Remember when the front office was rumored to have offered Josh Anderson for NJ's 2nd overall pick? I'm still laughing at that one. Now you think a 3rd pick will land Sharengovich? Not even a pick THIS year, a 3rd in the 2024 draft..lol. you guys must have some great pot north of the border! We just got a 3rd for Severson, a player the league knows we had no intention of bringing back. It's going to take a lot more than what you are offering, especially since several teams are reported to be interested in the young winger.

  3. I will be glad when PLD rumours end and he is signed in LA.. that trade seems like it will work.

  4. LA Kings are paying a high price for PLD, i wouldn't give that much for a player going UFA, i don't see PLD rushing to sign an extension with the Kings, let the season play out and he can choose his destination being a UFA. Boqvist and Sharangovich i wouldn't break the bank for these players i see them as projects, but if i had to pick one Sharangovich would be my choice, great video Choach.

  5. Today's news suggests PL Dubois has yet to be permitted to talk to L.A. about an extension. According to Scott Billeck of the Winnipeg Sun, things may be far from done. Chaveldayoff is on a plane off to Nashville.

  6. I am glad it's over he was not worth 9 million and I am glad they didn't trade Dach in my books he could be better than pld eventually

  7. Thank goodness. Though $7.5 million is closer to fair for Dubois. Nice if Winnipeg can get Vilardi and Byfield for Dubois.

  8. Thanks Coach for keeping these dailies coming…I have watched every one of them and continue to enjoy and appreciated them👍

  9. As a Columbus fan, I would say you should be thrilled you won't have to change PLD's diapers for the next 7 years. He is a bad teammate and always will be. The Habs primary interest in him was to have a French Canadian as the face of the franchise. In the end, after whining for 3 years he wanted to play in Montreal, he winds up signing with a team about as far from Montreal as you can possibly get. I'm not surprised. Next year, he'll be crying to go to Montreal again, but by that time his contract will be unmovable.
    As for your trade proposal, Boqvist for a high 2nd round pick, I say "no, thank you". Giving up on an 8th overall pick at age 22 makes no sense to me. Boqvist has battled through injuries, but when he has played he has shown great potential, especially in his offensive game. At one point last year before an injury derailed his season, he was on a pace for a 50 point season from the blueline. I' would definitely keep him.
    As for the upcoming draft, my sources tell me that if Adam Fantilli is available at #2, the Jackets will absolutely take him. If not, they'll be left with a choice of Leo Carlsson or Will Smith. I'm hearing that right now, they are leaning toward Smith, which means Carlsson falls to San Jose at #4. I suspect the Jackets have a trade in the works for a #1 center, but I have no idea who that might be. I'd think Elais Lindholm would be too expensive given the contracts they are already committed to.

  10. I think PLD's 9 Million AAV request is for 30 NHL teams to deter them from pursuing him! He'll probably only sign a 1 year contract with any Team that's not Montréal! A PLD trade won't get done or announced until round 1 of the draft! They need trade action at the draft to make it better for tv!

  11. Man… I feel the Habs got sort of used as a bargaining chip by PLD's camp.
    "99% sure to be traded to MTL" my a$$ 😛 !!!

    But anyway, we ALL know what Bergevin would have done in the situation, and I'm really happy to see how disciplined the new management is. They are not looking to do a "splash"; Hughes just want to build a team from the foundation that will be sustainable, and I respect that.

    Now we will have to see whether they will also avoid the terrible mistake of using their best draft pick "for position" instead of the "best available."
    Yes we need a top centerman, and sure, a guy like Smith could be it, but if Michkov is still available at 5 it will be a mistake to pass what amount to be a first overall in most past draft classes.
    I think SJ will draft him, but if they make that mistake we need to pounce. Who knows what the team will actually need in 2 years, so I maintain that drafting according to current needs,
    ESPECIALLY for a rebuilding team, is an enormous mistake.

    This draft is of such importance for our franchise, it's almost hard to overstate.
    But at the same time the choice will be made by the top 4 teams, as Carlsson will definitely go at #3, and unless SJ goes off the board for some reason, we will have either smith or Michkov available to us. And I hope those rumors of Hughes picking anyone else outside of the Top 5 are completely false and unfounded.

    Qu'en penses-tu coach?


  13. PLD's camp (AGENT) who initiated the rumors in Montreal last summer is the same agent that represents Kopitar. LOL. I am hearing that they are asking for 9.45 million per year x7 yrs. (Kopitar is at 10 million)

  14. Q.- about the top USNTDP scorer ever: Gabe Perreault of the USNTDP. Perreault outscored Matthews and out assisted Hughes. But no one has him within the top 10? Why?

  15. I would not touch Dubois. He might be a solid 2 way centre but to play in Montreal with all the press coverage he would get, they will drive him out of town if things don't go well for him. With Monahan signed, this allows a solid 2nd line centre to tangle with the numerous forwards we have to assemble a solid 2nd line unit. Suzuki & CC Can tangle with Anderson on the Top line but I would wish to have a real left winger that can grind it out and score some goals to support Suzuki and CC. THere are not many good left wingers available today so you need to give up something in order to fill a void. We were never able to replace PAcioretty so we create a huge void which needs to get fixed up. Tyler Bertuzzi's camp will ask for the moon as he is a UFA". Maybe MIles WOOD could be a suitable fit as he can grind it out and play a solid up and down game at a lower cost ? ANYHOW….

  16. Happy we didn’t sign him, I prefer of keeping our youth future goals intact.

  17. I always enjoy your trade/signing proposals! They're a great way for me to discover more options for the Habs that the rest of my ''hockey news'' diet does not cover. I always find them pretty creative and interesting! I'm so excited for this year's draft, holy jeez!

  18. Yes Iam very happy. Now we do not have to hear about him being traded to Montreal anymore. He would be a good fit for Montreal but not at such a high cost.

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