@Flyers de Philadelphie

Les Flyers signent un contrat de deux ans avec l’attaquant Garnet Hathaway




  1. FlyersLaForest

    I wanted us to sign him! I really like this!

  2. TimeToChangeThatOil

    “Go spit, Riggs.” – Murtaugh

  3. DH28Hockey

    I’m totally cool with this. Dude is basically Desleaurier+, another guy who will be entertaining to watch for 2 years while giving us another asset we can flip at the 2025 TDL

  4. saycheese95

    I’m cool with this. Will help fill out the bottom six and if he plays well enough I could see a contender trading for him at the TDL either this year or next

  5. Magoatt

    Just talked to a college friend whose a big Boston fan and watched this guy play a-lot, he said he’s a 4th liner, bottom 6, plays hard so you know Torts will love him, a hitter, and a solid defender. Also the contract is 2×2.3, hoping he has a solid year till deadline where we can flip him to a depth needy playoff team for a pick.

  6. Dont_Call_Me_John

    [Garnet Hathaway](https://i.imgur.com/iXcBuQl.png) is an effective two way forward who is especially good at getting his team powerplay opportunities. Last year, particularly after getting traded to Boston, he showed an increased ability to finish chances, but had mostly been average in that department previously.

  7. SanePatrickBateman

    If we keep TK around, our pest/60 will be off the charts


    Now this is a guy you want on the team to build culture. Goes absolutely mental every shift. Great addition to the team and exactly what it needs in the next couple seasons.

  9. DankCrayon

    Honestly I’m ok with it, it’s cheap(ish) and if he plays 4th line it ensures one of the prospects are getting at least 3rd line time

  10. HesiPull-UpBrando

    Assuming he is a “culture guy” for torts?

  11. Steppyjim

    Operation protect the kids is in full swing

  12. ProfessorDerp22

    I can’t stand Hathaway…but now that he’s a Flyer? I’m pretty hyped! Sandpaper guy who isn’t a negative for his team. Short term during the rebuild and he’s definitely entertaining. I don’t mind this signing.

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