@Blues de Saint-Louis

St.Louis Blues : Trick et Alderighi au Ragtime Extravaganza 2016

L’extraordinaire duo de pianos Stephanie Trick et Paolo Alderighi interprète « St. Louis Blues » de WC Handy au Ragtime Extravaganza 2016 de River Raisin Ragtime Revue. Cette performance a eu lieu au Ann Arbor’s Michigan Theatre le 23 janvier 2016. Vidéo de David Schall.


  1. By gum! She plays well enough to be Italian, he plays well enough to be American, and they play well enough together to be having too much fun, Command Cody notwithstanding.

  2. Wow, just ran across this video tonight.. Nice job guys.. loved it muchly..

  3. Italian immigrant + descendant composers have made major contributions to popular music in US +

  4. Fantastique couple… un sens du rythme, des arrangements éblouissants. Je rêve de pouvoir les écouter en live !

  5. The day you are privileged to watch and listen to this performance is a good day – I can't express myself better: It's a good day!

  6. What more can be said ? Put two professionals together and THIS is what you get !!!
    (Lucky us !!!)

  7. Spouse and I Oh yeah tried, yeah really..dancing to the jive…not realizing the length, let me tell we'd be getting it on.. like jive at five..movin' and a grovin' ..jumpin' an' hoppin' gettin' down! Baby!! and that's just what happen..down we went! Stayed down till breaths returned..Whewww!

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