@Jets de Winnipeg

Les requins acquièrent Leon Gawanke en échange d’Artemi Kniazev

Les requins acquièrent Leon Gawanke en échange d’Artemi Kniazev



  1. KMerrells

    Jets get something for nothing. I’ll take it.

  2. xDRSTEVOx

    I really like this deal. We get a younger higher drafted prospect, Leon gets an opportunity on the Sharks. Win win trade.

  3. Block5Lot12

    With Leon Gawanke signed to play within Germany next season, this is just trading his NHL ownership rights away. Not a bad plan!

  4. Asusrty

    A little disappointing Leon never got a shot with the big club putting up as many points as he did for the moose. Hopefully artemi gets a good look and maybe we can develop a good defenceman for once.

  5. ElectricalWeather630

    We have a log jam on defense in the organization! We need to get rid of some and improve the quality of what remains!

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