@Maple Leafs de Toronto

(Colorisé par moi) Ted Kennedy après que les Maple Leafs de Toronto aient vaincu les Canadiens de Montréal pour remporter la Coupe Stanley de 1951.

(Colorisé par moi) Ted Kennedy après que les Maple Leafs de Toronto aient vaincu les Canadiens de Montréal pour remporter la Coupe Stanley de 1951.



  1. lylelanley-

    Wow. Well done and thanks for sharing!

  2. nomdreas

    The leafs should take your colorized version and hang it in the locker room. If this photo doesn’t make you want to run through a wall I don’t know what will.

  3. JustInChina88

    I am so glad these days are over.

  4. SpicyP43905

    Here before someone complains about how the core four would not be willing to endure these type of injuries for the sake of the team.

  5. Svalbard38

    That’s a well-earned drink.

  6. thebartdie

    You coloured it wrong. He bled blue and white

  7. JuicemaN16

    [Mitch Marner after getting eliminated by the Panthers](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.thestarimages.com%2F_Lb3iEZG_b25f0jbo9_BHV8cyCY%3D%2F605x707%2Fsmart%2Ffilters%3Acb(1658967052227)%3Aformat(webp)%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestar.com%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fthestar%2Flife%2Ftogether%2Fpeople%2F2022%2F07%2F31%2Fgoal-oriented-photos-from-the-marner-all-star-invitational%2F_0731_to_marner_1.jpg&tbnid=kIIQvSqbpNgPfM&vet=12ahUKEwj8graUwfD_AhV4I1kFHWDgDWMQMygDegUIARC5AQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestar.com%2Flife%2Ftogether%2Fpeople%2F2022%2F07%2F31%2Fgoal-oriented-photos-from-the-marner-all-star-invitational.html&docid=FLN7zIaS7mUGiM&w=605&h=707&q=marner%20event&hl=en-US&ved=2ahUKEwj8graUwfD_AhV4I1kFHWDgDWMQMygDegUIARC5AQ)

  8. intecknicolour

    one of the greatest captains in team history.

  9. zugzug16

    Ahhh Port Colborne native Teeder Kennedy! Second to the one and only Harry Dick.

  10. GitzaZacusza

    This is so fucking amazing. Thank you so much!!

  11. artwarrior

    « Hey Teddy good boy I got a list I want you to make.  »

    Ike Crabcock

  12. sokocanuck

    That’s me after seeing the draft and Free Agency so far.

  13. terminese

    Ya think Mitch or Matthews will make that kind of sacrifice.

  14. jpm_212

    My mom had the pleasure of working with Teeder near the end of his life. She was an RPN at the retirement home he was in. At some point after he passed one of the staff gave her a CD with a bunch of pictures of her and Teeder on it. Unfortunately it got lost in a move some time ago. I really wish I would have backed them up. She still talks fondly about him and how much of a gentleman he was.

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