@Ligue nationale de hockey

En l’honneur du retour de Looch à Boston, retour sur ce succès emblématique

En l’honneur du retour de Looch à Boston, retour sur ce succès emblématique



  1. gingeylox14

    Sometimes it doesn’t mattah!

  2. FinkBass420

    Why doesn’t this happen anymore? I vaguely remember something about the boards being switched out and being more bouncy or something now, is that it?

  3. MagnustheJust

    That slo-mo chunk of « glass » to the dome…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. BillMcCrearysStache

    Those Leafs jerseys were nice

  5. ShotgunFarmer

    Throwback to a time where a clean check didn’t lead to half the other team coming at you throwing fists.

  6. MrMilesDavis

    How fucking electric would that have been to be sitting right there by the glass. I’d be losing my mind

  7. TheKid_BigE

    Beautiful, god I miss when teams could smoke a guy and didn’t lead to the entire game stopping for a grab fest

  8. mondomovieguys

    Jack Edwards sounded wayyy better back then.

  9. Ahhh, the good ol days before ads on helmets/sweaters. Remember when the NHL said they would only have helmet ads for 1 season to offset the covid year when fans couldn’t attend games?

  10. Slipperdipperydoo

    This is a clean hit but he’s one of the dirtiest players of all time

    – a sabres fan

  11. hockeyguy26er

    Ended his career with that one.

  12. Sad-Contribution4557

    I prefer when he bailed on Colton Orr after getting tagged 7 times

  13. Redredworm88

    Lucic vs Reaves in Round 1!

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